Maria Jones

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Rylie pov:

Darry walked in a little happier than usual.

"Hey I got something to tell y'all!" We all turned our attention to him. "My girlfriend is coming over for dinner tonight, and I want her to meet you all."

We all exchanged glances. I think we were all confused. Darrel Curtis with a girlfriend? It seemed unreal.

"Her brother works with me, and she was at the site one day. And it goes from there." He smiled big.

The gang congratulated him, teased him, then started asking him a ton of questions about her. Some, he would answer, and others he didn't know yet since they only met recently. Darry says they've only been on one date so far.

Soon enough, 6pm rolled around and there was a knock at the door.

"Please don't embarrass me, y'all." Darry pleaded.

He ran to open it. This girl was short, had pale skin, blue eyes, and long, dark, black hair. I didn't like her already, just off the way she dressed. She doesn't have any sense in fashion.

Darry introduced us to her.

"Guys, this is Maria. Maria, this is Keith Mathews, but we call him Two-bit. We have Steve Randle, Dallas Winston, Emma Winston, Johnny Cade, and last but not least Rylie Cade." I offered a smile, but she glared at me. "These are my two brothers, Ponyboy and Sodapop." He finished.

She looked Soda up and down and smiled. I knew I needed to claim my territory.

We sat down at the table and Darry served us. We started to dig in.

"You girls are really going to eat that much? You eat like horses. Not very ladylike." She nagged.

Emma glared daggers at her and I quickly nudged Emma's leg under the table. She looked at me.

That women made me sick. I broke the silence that endured.

"What's your last name?" I changed the subject.

"It's Maria Jones." She gave me attitude.

"Well, Maria Jones, it's very nice to meet you."

Darry reached his hand under the table and grabbed my hand.

Dinner was full of awkward silence and Maria's snobby comments.

We ate cake for dessert and I noticed her eyeballing Soda. We sat on the couch Watching Mickey and doing what we normally do after dinner. I was helping Darry clean up the mess. I whispered as quietly as I could.

"Darry...I don't like her."

"Come on Princess, she'll get better once she warms up to Yall, I promise."

When I left the kitchen, she was talking to Soda on the couch. He was mainly ignoring her and paying more attention to Mickey, but his attention changed when I walked in. I needed to make a move on him in front of her. She got up and scooted over.

I made eye contact with her then went full send on Soda. We made out until Darry said enough was enough. She was mad. 

Not too long after, Maria finally left, and we were all unhappy. She completely ruined all of our moods.

"What do you all think of her?" Darry could sense our expressions.

"Well personally, I hate her!" Dally called from the kitchen.

"What makes you hate her?" Darry all as well knew, but acted as if he didn't.

"Well first off, she made a smart remark about Emma and Rylie and how much they want to eat, then she gave Rylie attitude." Dally answered.

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