Double the Fun

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It's the next morning, and I woke up pretty early today. Dally was still sleeping. I could have slept in a few more hours, but I decided to go out and watch the sunrise.

I threw on a pair of jean shorts, my favorite leather jacket, and grabbed my converse.

I walked over to the field and began to climb to the top of the same parked train cart.

"Hey, Dash." A voice said.

I looked over and it was Ponyboy.

"You came to watch the sunrise too?" I asked.
He nodded.

"Guess we had the same idea." I smiled as I sat next to him.

"Glad you're here." He beamed, looking into my eyes.

He put his arm around my shoulders, stroking my dark brown curls.

We made small conversation as we watched the pink and gold sky. It felt real nice. Then, before we knew it, the sun was fully up.

"Wanna walk back to my house with me?" He asked as he helped me off the train cart.


"Wait, won't Dally be wondering where you went? Maybe you should check back real quick."

"It's alright, he'll find me one way or another." He shrugged.

We began walking back to the Curtis house.

On our way back, we got distracted by this new library that opened up. We walked in, looked around for a while and each ended up getting a new book.

Finally, we made it back. Once we got there, we were greeted by the whole gang.

"There you are. I was about to come looking for you." Dally said.

"I was with Pony." I explained. He just shrugged it off.

We sat down with the rest of the gang and watched tv with them. I sat on the couch in between Pony and Rylie.

"That a new dress?" Soda asked Rylie.

"Yeah, didn't think you'd notice." She gave him a sweet smile.

"You've been spending a lot of time with Soda lately. Think you've decided?" I whispered.

"No. I love em' both." She sighed. "But you're right. Maybe I should spend some time with Steve. Why don't we go on some sort of double date?"

"That would be amazing." I agreed.

"You up for it pony?" I asked turning towards him.

Although we were whispering, I guess he heard since he smiled and agreed.

"Steve? What do you think of a double date with Emma and Pony?" She asked.

"Yeah sure." He exclaimed getting up from the floor.

I looked over to Soda and he seemed sad. I looked back over to Pony, Rylie, and Steve, they were heading out the door, so I didn't say anything. I grabbed my converse and followed them out.

We got into Steve's car, Rylie in the front with him of course, while Pony and I sat in the back. We talked and jokes in the car until we arrived at the lake.

We didn't want to swim though, so we sat on the end of the dock and dangled our legs off. Steve tried to push Pony into the water several times, but good thing he failed. We spent a long while there.

"I'm hungry, what about you guys?" Steve asked.

"All those attempts trying to push Pony in the water work you up an appetite?" I teased.

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