Happy Birthday, Dash

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Emma's pov:

I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face. It's finally my 14th birthday. I turned over to Dally's spot and he wasn't there. I sighed and started to go back to sleep.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DASH!" Dally screamed which caused me to jump ten feet high. I was wide awake now.

"DALLY. ITS TOO EARLY FOR THIS." I grumbled. He picked me up from the bed and twirled me around.

"okay okay! I like my feet on the floor, Dallas." I chuckled.

He ignored me and swung me over his shoulder.

"Come on Dal!" I playfully rolled my eyes.

I gave up after that. We walked out of Bucks and to the parking lot, while I was still over his shoulder.

He then put me down in the car and we drove to the Curtis house. I opened the door to the living room all decorated. Steve came up to me first and picked me up into a bear hug.

The rest of the gang came up too and it ended up being a group hug. I loved it though. They all told me happy birthday, and I thanked them.

"How old are you again?" Asked Two-Bit.

"Seriously Two-Bit?" Dally said annoyed.

I think it was a genuine question though, not sure how he didn't know how old I was, but still.

Once I finally made it all the way into the house and not just the doorway, Pony gave me a longer kiss than I expected it to be since Dally was here.

"Happy birthday, Dash." He said hugging me.

I Laid my head on his shoulder until we pulled away. Dally didn't like that.

"No seriously, how old are you?" Two-bit asked.

"Same age as Pony man, chill." Dally answered for me.

"Oh." Is all he had to say back.

For my birthday dinner, I chose to have pizza. Classic. Nothing fancy for a birthday, but it was good. Darry made a fruit tray too.

After we ate, Soda brought out my cake. Before they could finish singing happy birthday to me, I got impatient and blew out the candles mid song. We all started laughing.

We dug into the cake and Steve ate half of it. Then not even a few minutes later, there was one last piece of cake. Two-bit and Steve fought for it like children. While they were fighting for it, I walked over and took it myself.

"Well that's one way to settle an argument." Soda chuckled.

Steve pouted like a toddler. I broke off a chunk and handed it to him.

Next we decided to do gifts. Darry gathered everyone around the coffee table. Pony gently handed his gift to me. It was in a small, fancy box. Inside held a thin silver ring, that read "always & forever."

"Thank you Pony." I gushed, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Next, Rylie got me a new skirt, and pair of boots. She likes to make me dress up sometimes.

Johnny got me a new leather jacket that looked similar to the one Dally has. I got a silver snake piece that wraps around your hair ties from Steve.

"You can wear it to your next rumble. You'd look hot." Steve smirked.

Two-bit slid a box down the table to me. Inside was a lighter with Mickey Mouse on it. Attached was a card that read "happy 16h birthday - Two-Bit."

So that's why he looked disappointed when Dally told him I was turning 14.

"Come on Two-Bit, how old do you think I am?" I threw.

"I forgot!" He defended himself.

Next I got a new t shirt from Soda, and a nice jacket from Darry. I thanked all of them.

Finally, Dally's gift. He got me two things actually. First he got me a new switch blade. It was a nice, sharp one too, not one of those average basic ones. I'm surprised he wanted to give this one to me instead of keeping it for himself.

"Before anyone asks if I stole it, I didn't. I actually paid for it....with Bucks money..." Dally asserted.

I needed a new switch. Mine litterally had rust on it. He also got me a necklace with his name ingraved on it.

"Thank you Dally!" I beamed going for a hug.

It was a short one though, knowing Dally. Im just glad I was able to get one at all in front of the gang.

"Hey Dash, can you promise me somethin?" Dally whispered in my ear to where the gang couldn't hear.

"What is it, Dally?"

"Promise me you won't ever grow up."

"Sure, Dal. Sure." I smiled.

I thanked everyone again, then we went to get milkshakes, even after all that cake.

The gang was sloppy with their milkshakes and had it everywhere. To add to that, Pony put some on my nose like he does every time.

Once it started getting dark, we headed back to the Curtis house and watched one of my favorite movies. Two-Bit insisted we had popcorn as we watched, so Soda went and made us some.

Once the movie ended, we played Truth or Dare with some booze. You could say we had to much based on our game...

Steve had to eat a worm, Two-Bit got ice down his shirt, Dally had to hit on one of the neighborhood girls (he ended up getting punched in the face), Soda had to lick a shoe, Rylie had to slap an old man, Darry had to call his boss and tell her she's hot, I had to break into someone's car while they were in it, and Ponyboy had to light a cigarette and smoke it with his toes.

After that, we went to bed around 4 am. Almost everyone stayed in the living room that night. Mainly cause we didn't wanna get up. Before falling asleep though, Pony kept asking weird questions. Every few minutes he would ask something along the lines of:

"How can a nose run, but a foot smell?"

"Is cereal a soup?"

"How many calories is in a booger?"

"If a fly had no wings, would it be called a walk?"

Stupid Stuff like that. And he went on and on and on. We would either throw pillows at him, or straight up tell him to shut up.

"Come on Pony, just go to sleep man." Johnny pleaded shoving a pillow over his face.

He asked one more question though.

"How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant?"

"How many chickens would it take to kill you?" Dally spat.

He got the hint after that one. I tried my absolute hardest to hold in my laugh or I would be the one to get pillows thrown at.

Eventually though, we all drifted off to sleep. I had a good day.

I was now in the same room, falling asleep with the best people i've ever had in my life.

All a girl could ask for.

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