Out With A Bang

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Emma's pov:

I woke up with an exciting feeling over me. It was officially the last day of school until summer break.

Darry said he wanted to take us all out to do something fun.

I got up and put on my usual jean shorts, white t shirt, and a brown leather jacket that used to be Dally's.

He was still sleeping, so while getting ready I tried my best not to wake him. It'd be hard to do anyway since he's such a heavy sleeper like I am.

I went downstairs to the room with an extremely heavy scent of alcohol, probably from the party last night. I hated the smell of it.

I held my breath walking to the front door. I saw Johnny, Rylie, and Ponyboy waiting for me outside. I ran to them and we began walking to school.

"Y'all ready for our last day?" Rylie asked enthusiastically.

We all nodded our heads with a smile, and continued talking about our year.

The walk towards school was quick, but the school day went by so slow.

I kept getting distracted in class (or more than usual at least). I just wanted the day to be over. Not like we were learning anything anyway, the teachers didn't have anything planned seen as it's the last day.

My arm still hurt a little from the other day. Rylie spent all day with Soda yesterday. I'm sure she'll tell me all about it later.

Eventually though, the final bell rang, and we all met up and cheered. The whole school was outside signing each other's yearbooks.

We never bothered with those through, so we just stood there talking about what we're gonna do tonight while waiting to be picked up.

To our surprise, we saw Dally's car pull up beside the school instead of Two-Bits. I guess he's picking us up today, which he never does. I guess with today being a pretty cool occasion and all he decided to.

"Hey guys." He beamed as we crammed into the car.

Johnny sat up front with Dally while Rylie, Ponyboy, and I sat in the backseat. I sat in the middle of them.

"Didn't think you would be picking us up." Johnny said.

"Well we're meeting the gang at Dairy Queen for icecream." Dally explained. All our faces lit up.

On our way there, we almost crashed multiple times with Dally's wreckless driving. Surprisingly, we made it there alive.

Before Dally could even park the car, I hopped out over the car door and started running inside. I turned around to see everyone else following.

"Chill out guys, I didn't even get to park the car." Dally fumed.

Once we got inside, it seemed the rest of the gang already got a table and their ice cream. Seems they couldn't wait.

We went up to order ours. Once we got our ice cream, we took our seats. We played around as we ate them, and talked about summer. We were all pretty stoked and had a ton of things we needed to do.

Once we finished our ice cream, we all got an unexpected lecture.

"Alright, we're gonna go to Buck's party tonight but Dally and I agreed on a few rules." Darry started. "First, Emma and Ponyboy, don't you dare drink anything you aren't supposed to."

"Same goes for you princess." Johnny said towards Rylie.

"Second, stay as close as possible to us. There's some crazy people there." He added.
"And third, Two-Bit don't drink so much, alright?" He finished. Two-Bit rolled his eyes.

"We're only letting you go for the special occasion, so don't ask to go again just because we let you this time." Dally said glaring at us.

They didn't say anything else, so All of us except Darry and Dally ran out the door, yelling and cheering as we went to the car.

Two-bit was ahead of us and probably more excited about this more than anyone. We drove in separate cars to get to Buck's.

Once we got there, Darry repeated his little rules. We nodded in agreement then looked at each other knowing we weren't going to follow any of them.

We danced and goofed off the whole time, having an absolute blast. Rylie, Ponyboy, and I snuck off to sneak a little alcohol. It wasn't much at all though. We hated the taste of it, but wanted to go against Darry and Dally's rules.

We partied a little more when all of a sudden I felt a hand pull me by the arm into a closet and shut the door real fast. I kicked them in the shin.

"Ow, why would you do that?!" I recognized the voice to be Rylie.

"Sorry I didn't know it was you!" I apologized.

"Can I rant to you for a sec, I need your help." She asked.

"Of course." I responded.

"I can't tell who I love. When I'm with Soda I feel I like him more. But when I'm with Steve I like him more. I wish it were easy to choose between them, and I feel bad having to do so. One of them is gonna get their feelings hurt."

I'm not the best with advice at all, but I tried to find the right words to comfort her.

She then told me all about what happened yesterday, about Steve's jealousy and all.

We talked for a while, and I guess what I said made her feel better since she opened the closet door for us to leave.

Soon after that, the party ended. We were all beat and wanted to go home. I gave a hug to Rylie and told her to stay safe, as I always do.
Dally and I made sure the gang was able to leave safely.

Then, we head upstairs and I went straight to bed. I was exhausted. I could tell Dally was too, he did the same. I fell asleep thinking about Summer.

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