Mingle and Jingle

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Rylie pov:

Today was the day before Christmas eve. The gang and I had planned a huge Christmas party for later that night. It was all Soda's idea, and surprisingly, Darry agreed. Soda said if anyone wants to party, you have to wear Christmas socks, or you can't come. So, we all dug out our old Christmas socks and put them on.

Darry came through the door with Dally and unloaded a brown bag full of champagne and wine. I could tell Darry secretly had intentions of getting plastered tonight.

"Wanna come to the store with us, princess?" Darry asked.

"Yeah sure, let me get my shoes." I smiled. Dally stood at the door while I got my shoes and Darry put up the large amounts of alcohol.

We climbed into the truck and headed to the grocery store. Darry grabbed a cart, but Dally insisted on pushing it. We walked down each isle as Darry crossed items off his list. And let me say, it was a long list, but we found everything we needed.

It was all going ok until Dally rammed the cart into the back of Darry's legs. Dally lost his cart privileges. We checked out and loaded up the truck- well except me. I didn't do anything, because why work when two strong men are willing to do it all for you?

We drove home and once again, I didn't help. The rest of the gang was helped carry in the bags of grocery's. When we entered the house, it was cold. I grabbed one of Soda's hoodies and slipped it on. He laughed and kissed me.

"You're too cute."

"Get a room!" Darry scolded from the kitchen unimpressed.

We set up the rest of the house before guests started arriving. We set out lines of wine and alcohol. Soda and I stayed close to each other. Darry had already started in on the wine.

"Want to get a glass, ma'am?" Soda and I headed to the kitchen and poured a glass each. There was a ton of Shepherd's gang, a few neighbors, and the gang. We had a ton of food. We had wings, a veggie tray, ranch dip, and a ton of dessert.

We ate and drank (a lot) while we listened to music and socialized. Things started to get out of control when Two-bit convinced Pony to shotgun a beer. The gang cheered him on as he finished the beverage. He looked pretty stunned.

We all ended up extremely drunk. Pony and Emma were on top of each other, making out in the kitchen, Steve and Two-Bit were dumping white wine into each others mouths, while Soda and I were getting wild as can be in the living room. We lost sight of Dally until we saw him walk out of the dining room with Tim Shepherd.

Darry had been so drunk he was stumbling all over the house. I have never seen him drink like this before, but I especially have never saw him lead a woman to his bedroom before. I didn't want to imagine what was going on.

Suddenly, we the heard the sound of glass break in the living room. I looked over and saw shards a broken ordement on the floor by the Christmas tree.

"Oops." Two-Bit blurted. I sarcastically rolled my eyes and went to clean the broken glass since everyone else was too drunk to do it.

"Careful, Two-Bit." I snickered.

Finally, the party slowly started to die down. Everyone went home either alone, or with each other.

Once the crowd had left and it was just the gang, Darry and a blonde haired woman emerged from his bedroom. She had light caramel hair, a tight navy dress, and white heels. Darry didn't want to talk about it with us yet, so he sent her home.

We ate the rest of the food, Darry still at it on the alcohol. He's going to be extremely hungover tomorrow. The house was completely trashed. We sat in silence until Emma and I broke out in laughter. There was no reason to be laughing, but the silence was awkward. The others started laughing with us.

"Can I take these Christmas socks off now that the party's over, Soda?" Steve pouted.

"Oh how traditional of you Steve." Soda grumbled. Steve jerked the socks off his feet, everyone else doing the same.

"They were itching my feet." Two-Bit complained. Sodapop acted all butt hurt.

It was real late out now and began to get tired. We had enough sense not to sleep in the living room since everyone had dirty shoes on, so we went to Darry's bed.

Dally, Soda, Steve, Two-Bit, Johnny, and I were all disgusted by the thought of being in his unclean bed. But Emma and Pony were absolutely clueless and playing with each others fingers. I quietly laughed at them. We laid down and spoke softly till we drifted into a deep sleep.

Best party yet. Each one we throw is always better than the last.

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