Listen To the Rythem of the Rain

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Emma's Pov:

The gang was gathered around the Curtis house, until it got late, and everyone started to head home. Dally and I stayed a while longer than everyone else until he had to go.

"Hey Darry, ya mind letting Em crash here for the night? I'v got to help buck with this next rodeo, and I don't want her by herself at the bar." Dally asked.

"Of course she can." Darry smiled, looking up from his pile of papers.

"See ya later, Dash." Dally gave me a quick hug when no one was looking, and left.

Shortly after, Ponyboy grabbed my hand in his, and led me outside to sit on the rooftop to watch the sunset like we always do.

Once we climes you there, I sat beside him and gazed at the colored sky.

We made soft conversation, and talked about things we've never told anyone else.

Like always.

Ponyboy took two cigarettes out of his pocket and handed me one. He took out his lighter and lit them both.

We then watched the sunset as we smoked and talked. It always calmed us down.

After the sun set, it was getting slightly chilly without the rays of sun shining against my skin. We climbed down from the roof, and head inside.


Later that night, we ate dinner, watched a short movie, then head to bed.
Darry gave me a blanket and pillow for the couch, then they all head to their rooms.

I closed my eyes to fall asleep once I settled on the couch, but I couldn't seem to fall asleep.

I heard the rain outside trickle down onto the roof and patter against the windows.

I then got the crazy idea to go sit in the rain. I don't know why this idea crossed my mind but then I thought 'screw it' and went for it.

I grabbed my converse and quietly opened the front door.

I walked out and sat on the roof of some randos car that was parked not too far from the house.

I looked at the moon as I was getting soaked in the rain. It felt nice though. I felt my jean shorts stick to my legs and my shirt getting heavy.

My hair was soaked, which caused my curls to hang low. I knew the rain was going to make my curls knotty and poofy tomorrow.

I don't know how long I was sitting there in the rain, but it felt like a long time. I didn't want to go back inside.

I was soaked and didn't want to track water in the house. Besides I still wasn't tired. It felt nice to clear my head.

Suddenly, I heard the front door open behind me. I was so deep in thought that it scared me.

I swung my head around, and to my surprise, it was Ponyboy.

"What are you doing out here?" He asks from the porch, staying dry.

"Couldn't sleep." Was all I said in response.

"You might wanna come back in 'fore you get a cold."

I just sat there and didn't say anything. I didn't expect it, but he came out and sat beside me on top of the car. I looked over to him.

Ponyboys pov:

I came outside to see Emma sitting on top of someone's car in the rain. In the middle of the night too. I came and sat beside her after she refused to come inside. She looked over at me.

Her eyes sparkled in the rain. She had the most sympathetic look on her face. She turned her head back to the sky. I watched her as she was looking up at the moon.

She looked so pretty.

I wondered if I ever noticed how beautiful she is. But then I thought maybe i'd always known and that I was so used to it.

I took my hand and brushed her hair out of her face, behind her ear while she kept her gaze towards the sky.

I saw a smile appear across her face. We then sat in our usual comfortable silence. I started to feel something that i'd never felt before.

(Play this while reading this part- Puppy love by Paul Anka)

I hopped off the car and held my hand out towards her. She was confused at first, but eventually took my hand. I helped her off the car and spun her around.

I saw a grin appear on her face as I playfully led her into a dance. She then spun me around, just the way I did her and we began laughing.

I caught myself getting lost in her deep blue eyes.

Emma didn't have just blue eyes. Hers were a deep ocean blue with a glassy shade over them. Maybe even a peaceful shade of sapphire.

There was forever in those eyes.

I got distracted and accidentally stepped on her foot.

"You're quite the dancer huh?" She laughed it off.

We were at this for a long while.

Finally, the thought that I might actually like her crossed my mind.

I don't know how long I have, but for some reason I just realized it.

I felt a warm feeling in my heart.

She's the girl I love.

Emma's pov:

The rain started to lighten a bit.

We stopped dancing and looked eye in eye at each other. He looked like he wanted to say something, but was holding himself back.

I then had an idea as to what he was possibly going to say. But the idea seemed unreal, so I pushed the thought away.

"I think I Love you." He hesitated.

"You do, huh?" I smiled.

"Yeah. Yeah, I do." He said confidently.

He looked at me like he just realized what love is.

He then pulled me in and slammed his lips against mine. I kissed him back.

We stayed like that a while. Our kiss was long and hard, but also gentle and sweet.

We pulled away, looking into each others eyes again.

"So, it's a sure thing?" He asked.

I nodded my head with a smile, and started leaning in for more. Ponyboy kissed me again and it turned into a slight make out, right in the rain.

I think even though we never said it to each other,

we knew.

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