Picture? What Picture?

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Dally's pov:

I drove to the Curtis house the next morning to pick up Emma, and take her somewhere today. I wanted to spend some time with her since it's felt like I haven't in a while.

I walked into the house to see Soda making breakfast and Darry reading his morning news papers.

"Hey, Dal!" Soda called.

Darry looked up and gave me a quick smile. I nodded back.

"Where's Dash?" I asked him.

"In the room sleepin." Soda said while flipping the eggs over in the pan.

I walked into their room to find Emma and Ponyboy sound asleep. I was gonna scare him awake until I noticed a picture of him on his nightstand.

I just about turned away again till I noticed Emma was in the picture too. I held the picture in my hand for a closer look.

It was a picture of them kissing under a firework. This must've been last night when they told us they were gonna go see more fireworks.

I stood there frozen. I'm gonna kill Ponyboy.

Rylies POV:

It was about six in the morning when I woke up, so I showered, did my hair, then my makeup. Johnny got ready when I did.

"Ready princess?" Johnny shouted from the living room.

"Just a minute!" I shouted back from the room.

I wore a green satin slip dress to match my eyes, with a black leather jacket and my black converse of course. I put on a silver necklace that had had Johnny's name on it and walked into the living room.

I held Johnny's arm as we walked to the Curtis house.

"How'd you sleep JohnnyCakes?" He smiled.

"It was ok, there was a lot of noise. How about you little lady?"

"Well I slept rather well."

We opened the front door to the Curtis's house and to our surprise Dally was here pretty early. He was in Pony and Soda's room standing by the nightstand. It looks like Soda took the couch and let Emma sleep in here for the night.

I wrapped my arms around Dally's neck and rest them on his shoulders. He didn't move. I put my head next to his. He was upset. I couldn't tell if it were anger, sadness, disappointment, or if he felt anything at all.

He stayed quiet, staring at a picture of...Ponyboy Curtis and Emma Winston kissing.

I let go of his neck and stood in shock next to Dally.

I knew Emma was kind of secretive of her feelings and rarely told anyone anything, but I was kind of hurt she didn't tell me about this.

She usually tells me everything. 

I guess she only needed time.

"Dally...are you ok?" I quietly asked him.

He didn't say anything, just threw the picture down and stormed out the door into the living room. I followed him out.

"Dal come on, don't be like that." I called following him.

"Shut your trap, Rylie." He said in a harsh tone as he sat down on the couch.

"What's going on?" Soda asked from the kitchen. Darry looked up from his newspaper.

"What's he on about?" Darry asked standing up.

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