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I tried falling asleep that night, but I couldn't. I had too much on my mind, and I was tossing and turning.

I'd close my eyes and it felt like I was sleeping but I knew I wasn't.
I looked over to the clock. 3 am it read. I guess I could take a walk, get fresh air?

I grabbed one of Dally's jackets, a new cigarette, and quietly left. I started walking where ever my feet would take me.

Eventually, I ended up down town. No one in site. No cars, no people. It was very peaceful. It is 3 am after all. I walked past all the shops with the fall decorations in the windows.

My cigarette was burned out by now, so I threw it on the ground and stomped it out.

I kept walking till I saw someone in all black clothing running down the street ahead of me. I heard sirens in the distance getting louder and clearer. Were they running from the cops?

Before another thought could cross my mind, the person that was running started running towards me. I tried to run away from them but they were super fast. I don't even think someone like Pony could run away from them.

They knocked me onto the ground, held my hands down and started searching through my pockets. She slid her hood off to reveal her long, icy blonde hair in a braid. She had deep green eyes.

"What are you doing?!" I grunted.

I jerked my wrists to break free of her grip and quickly stood up. I gave her a quick punch which caused her to fall over. As soon as she got up, she made a run for it. I didn't bother on chasing her.

Then the sirens I heard earlier starting getting closer to me. And closer...and closer...then I turned to see them right behind me.

"Hands in the air!" A cop shouted getting out of one of the cop cars.

"What?" I muttered under my breath, confused.

"Hands in the air!" Another one shouted.

Finally, I did as they said.

"Drop your weapons!"

"Weapons?! I don't got no weapon!" I defended.

"Drop your weapon, and kick it over to us. You're surrounded."

"I'm telling you, I don't have a weapon!" I searched my pockets in front of them for proof.

"See! No weapo-" I paused.

In one of the pockets sat a long, sharp knife. The kind you kill people with. It had blood all over it. It looked like fresh blood. Like it had recently been used.

"I had no idea this was there!"

"Kick it over to us!"

I hesitantly did as they said. I was so confused.

"You are found responsible for the murder of Ivy Alinsky."

"I've never heard that name in my life!" I yelled.

They came over to me and put handcuffs around my wrists super tight. I grunted a little. After they got those on me, they shoved me into the back of one of the cop cars. We drove to the police station.

Once we arrived, they held onto my arms, handcuffs still around me, and shoved me into a cell.

"What?! I didn't even do anything!" I shrieked.

"You're held for murder." The cop said harshly as he walked away.

I gave up trying to defend myself, and sat on the bench in the cell. I put my face in my hands.

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