Run Your Car, Not Your Mouth

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Sodas pov:

The next few days flew by.

I spent night shifts and day shifts at the DX so I could finish this car then get as much practice as possible fore' the race.

It looked great! It's looks brand new even. I've given it a new engine and new layer of paint. I was proud of my work.

The gang was meeting at the DX again today.

"Hey Soda! That car looks brand spankin new!" Two-bit called as he was getting out of his car.

I smiled at the compliment.

"Well Hopefully I'll be able to finish it today, then start practicing tomorrow."

Rylies been avoiding conversation with me a little bit. I don't blame her, I knew it would happen, but she took it a lot better than I thought. She barely freaked when we told her, considering her future depends on this race.

Rylie pov:

I tried to stay as calm as possible through this entire situation, because I wanted the gang calm, and I knew we would figure it out.

I saw Soda standing over the open hood of the car. I hugged him from behind and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Hi baby boy." I could see him blushing.

This is the first time we have really been intimate together since I found out about the news.

"Well hi there baby girl." I felt myself blushing.

"The car looks real good."

"Yeah its almost done, only a little more till I can practice."

I spun him around and hugged him tighter. I put my arms on his shoulders and put my head in the crook of his neck.

"I love you." He gently murmured.

"I love you too."


"Yes Sweetheart?"

"Will you promise me something?"


"Will you promise to win this so I can stay with the gang, but most importantly, can you win this so I can stay with Johnny and you?"

"I promise I will."

I heard a knock on the door frame. It was Cherry. She examined the car.

"It looks good Sodapop." She smiled.

"Yeah, thanks Cherry."

"Well, I have some news. Randy is going out of town tonight, so you'll have a little bit more time."

We all smiled. I hugged her tightly

"Thank you so much."

Cherry left soon after.

"Well I better get back to the car BabyCakes." Soda said with his hands resting on his hips.

I kissed his lips and headed back to the Lobby and talked to Dally.

Sodas pov:

The gang was now standing around me as I was finishing the car.

"Come on, Soda, it looks fine. You need to practice." Johnny said.

"Just a few more things."

I was only giving last minute touch ups, but they were al rushing me.

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