Beauty in a Storm

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Emma's pov:

A week has passed since the Maria mishap. Darry would think about it from time to time, and rant to Rylie or Sodapop about it. We never saw her around town again either. Probably cause she knows if Rylie or I did happen to see her again, we'd the tar out of her.

It was late in the afternoon, in the middle of a storm. Once Darry got home for work, we gathered around the kitchen table to play poker and cards to the sound of the rain and thunder.

"I win. Suckers." Two-Bit bragged.

"No you didn't, I win!" Dally shouted across the table.

"I won, you saw it."

"No, that was my play! I would have won!"

"But you didn't."

"Cause you stole my play, man!"

Dally threw his stack of cards at Two-Bit. They started playfully wrestling back and forth.

"Dal, chill out, man." Johnny said.

"He stole my play!" Dally whined.

We started laughing at them.

"Now, come on guys." Darry scolded.

"Why don't we go watch a movie?" Soda suggested.

We all agreed, and sat in the living room. I sat in between Pony and Rylie, who was beside Soda. Pony ran his fingers through my curls.

The others either sat in the floor, or the other couch. Darry put in some movie that's older than the hills, turned the lights off, then sat in his arm chair.

About 30 minutes into the movie, Rylie went in the kitchen to make us some chocolate cake. We heard some banging around as she was looking for the stuff she needed.

"You need help in there, Princess?" Darry asked from the living room.

"Found it!" She called back.

Darry shrugged and turned his attention back to the TV.

We were at the suspenseful part of the movie. Rylie was about to put the cake in the oven. Just when we were about to find out the climax, there was a loud bang of thunder causing the electricity to go out, shutting off the movie and all the lights.

"Aw, come on man!" Dally shouted.

"Right at the good part!" Soda whined.

"Now I can't finish making my cake!" Rylie called from the kitchen.

"NO!!" Steve shouted, running into the kitchen.
"Come on, there's gotta be another way, we can bake it with a hair dryer!"

"I wish." Rylie sighed. "We'll just have to wait till power comes back on."

Darry brought out some candles, and lit them. Soda went and got us all some blankets.

"What now?" Johnny asked.

"We could build another fort?" Pony suggested.

We agreed since there was nothing better to do, and built a new fort. It was similar to our last one, but bigger and better since we had more time.

Once it was done, we all laid down inside it, just thinking, staring at nothing. It was too early to go to sleep, no one was tired.

"I'll be right back." Pony whispered to me.

He ran to his room, and a few moments later, he came back with a few books in his hands, and a candle light. He handed me one of the books, then sat the candle light in front of us so we could see. "This'll keep us busy for a while." He smiled.

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