4th of July

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Emma's pov:

A few weeks have passed, and it's finally the 4th of July. So far this summer, we've just hung out and do what we always do.

The whole gang spent the night at the Curtis house the night before. I woke up to see Sodapop in the kitchen making breakfast, Steve and Rylie making chocolate cake, Two-Bit watching Mickey Mouse on TV, and Dally was still sleeping. Typical.

Johnny was sitting out on the porch, and Darry was sitting in the lounge chair reading his newspapers. Ponyboy looks like he just woke up too. He turned over to me.

"Morning, Dash." He said with a sleepy smile.

We both walked into the kitchen with Rylie, Soda, and Steve.

"Are we gonna go see fireworks tonight?!" Two-bit asked excitedly, sounding like a kid.

"Course we are!" Soda shouted to him from the kitchen.

Once breakfast was ready, the gang gathered around the kitchen table to eat. I went to wake up Dally who was still sleeping.

I shook his arm a few times, but no response. I resorted to hitting with with a pillow. Worked like a charm.

"Really man?" He grumbled, half awake.

"Come on Dal, it's the Fourth of July. Besides, breakfast is ready." I chuckled.

"Alright, alright." He sighed getting up.

After breakfast, we all got dressed into our red, white, or blue. I put on my favorite navy blue t shirt with my brown leather jacket over it, and of course my jean shorts. Rylie was wearing a navy blue dress.

"Fireworks don't start till later, why don't we get some milkshakes?" Soda suggested.

The gang nodded in agreement and loaded up in the truck.

Once we got to the diner, we enjoyed our milkshakes. Ponyboy put some on my nose like he always does. Steve had his milkshake everywhere but his mouth. It was even in his hair. He kept throwing some of it at Rylie.

Two-bit poured some beer into his milkshake. And that's somethin'.

There was milkshake all over all of us and our table. And here Darry was lecturing and scolding us about being messy. We had a great time.

Then I saw a cherry fly across the table, hitting soda in the face. He looked around all confused then glared at Steve.

"I don't like cherrys." Steve snarled.

Soda and Steve playfully glared at each other. None of us could stop laughing.

Rylies POV:

Soda spilt his milkshake onto his shirt so I grabbed him and tried to clean it up. Johnny was telling me to calm down. I did calm down when i saw Cherry Valance, Marcia, Bob Sheldon, and my ex boyfriend, Randy Anderson walk in.

If I truly hated anyone, it was them. I gave them a dirty look and they all stared. I waited till Darry looked away and stuck my middle finger up towards them.

Emma's pov:

Then the noise of a firework outside interrupted. We looked at each other, then dashed out the door. We loaded up in the truck and started driving down town to watch the fireworks.
We've lost track of time while we had our milkshakes, that we forgot about the fireworks.

When we arrived at the firework spot, Darry pulled a few blankets out the car and laid them on the road for us to sit on to watch the show. They had the road blocked off for today, so no cars could come down it.

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