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Emma's pov:

It's been a few days since Rylie's gotten out of the hospital. She's been feeling a little woozy still, but now she's all right. I guess Cherry did all that because she finally figured out we were the ones who slashed her tires. Took her long enough, we did that forever ago.

It's now the beginning of August. School will be starting back up soon.

I blinked my eyes open when I felt a smack against the side of my head. I saw Dally hovering over me, in my face.

"Hey, wake up shit head."

I laid there and gave him an annoyed look.

"Get ready, we're going to the Curtis house." He finished.

I rolled my eyes and then we both got ready then head straight to the Curtis house (per usual). I walked in and sat in between Rylie and Pony on the couch. We watched TV for a while with everyone else, until Darry came in the living room from the kitchen.

"You kids wanna go to the video store and pick out some movies?" He asked the four of us.

We looked at each other in surprise then agreed. We never usually went out with Darry, the four of us I mean. Unless it was with the entire gang.

"Have fun you little shit." Dally called as I was grabbing my shoes.

"You too, asshole." I called back.

Everyone is used to it at this point.

We head out the door and loaded into Darry's truck, then drove into town. I love the summer, but seeing fall decorations in shop windows as we drove made me happy.

Darry parked on a curb side. We got out of the car and head inside the video store. We all picked out a few movies and would bring them back to the house and watch at some point. Pony and I both picked out our favorite movie.

"Thank you Darry." I exclaimed, as we left the shop.

"You're welcome kiddo." He smiled.

Before we left, Pony and I insisted we run into the library real quick. We were greeted with the same old book smell. Pony and I picked out a new book again since we read through them fast. I paid for both of our books with my own pocket change.

After that, we began to walk back to Darry's parked car. We stopped in our tracks when we saw Cherry again. It's like she's following us. I thought we were going to ignore her, until I noticed Darry walking up to her.

"Darry, what are you doing?" Rylie asked.

He didn't answer, just continued walking up to Cherry. We stayed back where we were standing before, and watched as the two talked in the distance. Darry had an angry expression on his face, while Cherry looked scared. What was he saying to her?

After a few minutes which passed by slowly, he walked back over to us, and Cherry walked off.

"What did you say?" Johnny asked.

"She'll be leavin you guys alone." He answered proudly.

We didn't ask any more questions since we knew he wouldn't answer them. We walked back to the car and drove back to the Curtis house.

We sat down in our usual spots on the couch when we got back. Steve and Soda were arm wrestling on the kitchen table, Two-Bit and Dally were playing cards. Darry went to cook dinner in the kitchen.

"Did you notice Darry didn't stressed today?" Rylie whispered to me.

"I haven't really thought about, but now that you mention it, yeah. He seems somewhat relaxed today." I thought.

"That's a good thing though." She beamed.

A few moments later, Darry called for us from the kitchen that dinner was ready. The whole gang gathered around the dinner table to eat after we grabbed our plates. We had steak.

"So I have some news." Darry started with a smile, dropping his fork into his plate.

The rest of the gang turned their attention towards him listening.

"I got a pretty big raise at work yesterday."
The gang cheered.
"I wanted to tell y'all sooner, but I was waiting for the right time I guess." He chuckled.

"Congrats Darry!" Rylie exclaimed, giving him a side hug from her seat next to him.

We talked while we ate, but not much since the pasta was so good. Steve had half his steak on the table, while the other half was still on his plate. Two-bit was pouring beer on his...?

"Two-bit, can we not get through one meal without you pouring beer on everything?" Darry scolded. "And Steve, you too! You're so sloppy!" The rest of us started laughing.

Eventually, we all finished our dinner. Rylie and I helped clean up and did the dishes. Pony was in his room reading one of the new books we got today, so I decided to go join him and read one of mine.

When I walked in, I startled him a little when I greeted him.

"Hey Pony." He looked up to me and smiled "Mind if I join you?" I asked.

"I'd love you to." He grinned.

I sat down next to him, laying my back against the side of his arm. We read our books for a while with only the noise of the gang in the living room.

"Dash, you ready to head home?" Dally called from the other room.

"See you tomorrow, Dash." Pony said as he kissed me.

I got up from where I was sitting and walked into the living room.

"Ready." I answered.

"See you guys tomorrow." Dally waved to them as we walked though the door.

We got in his car and drove back to Buck's.

"How you and Pony doin?" He asked.

"Do you really wanna know, or are you just asking for conversation?"

"No, I wanna know."

"Well, we're doing great." I smiled.

"He being good to you?"

"Oh come on Dal, of course he is." I chuckled.

"Just making sure I don't have to rip his head off, cause I will."

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