Constant Carnival

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Emma's pov:

It's been a few days since Rylies birthday, leaving only a few more until mine. The gang decided to go to the carnival a little farther down town for the weekend. It was kind of a last minute decision, but we wanted to do something fun.

We hung at the Curtis house all day, until sunset, when most Socs would leave the fair by then and all the greasers would flood in. Some Socs stuck around though.

"You guys ready to go?" Darry asked.

"Almost!" Rylie replied as she was touching up her hair before we left.

She was wearing the new dress I got her for her birthday. Steve was finishing his last chunk of cake.

"Its a bit chilly, yall might wanna bring a jacket." Darry suggested.

But me being stubborn as always, I thought I'd be fine without one. A little breeze won't hurt. Looks like Rylie thought the same. She didn't want to bring one neither.

Once everyone was ready, we started walking to the fair. I started getting a little cold, but nothing that would bother me too bad. Rylie started shivering a bit. Soda noticed, took of his flannel and gave it to her. She snuggled it in tightly.

Eventually, we made it to the fair. We walked in and Two-Bit and Steve were already running off like children. Dally was already trying to pick up some girls.

"Stay together, alright?" Darry ordered. He's just a working, and caring mother of eight.

We rode some rides, played some rigged carnival games, which somehow Steve won one, got a stuffed panda bear and gave it to Rylie. We also got some good carnival food like corn dogs, popcorn, cotten candy, and stuff like that. Two-bit had candy all over his face.

Finally, we made it to the Farris wheel which was at the end of the carnival. Steve insisted that we ride it, nobody said no, so we started getting in the seats. I sat with Pony, Johnny and Dally sat in one, Two-Bit with Steve, and Rylie sat with Soda.

I loved the view we got from up here. I could see the town on my right, and the other side I could see the rest of the carnival. All the lights and crowds of people.

We stopped at the very top, and as soon as I turned my head back towards Pony, he kissed me. The rest of the gang were in the other carts in front of us, and behind us, playfully started cheering softly and clapping like fools. I rolled my eyes at them.

"Oh, shut your traps!" Pony yelled at them.

Once the ride was over, we decided to start our walk back home since it was real late by now.

It got even colder than it was when we left. I shouldn't have been stubborn, and just brought a jacket. Pony must've noticed me shivering, and gave me his.

"Here." He said handing it to me with a warm smile.

"Are you sure?" I hesitated.

"Yeah, I've been wearing it this whole time. I'm plenty warm."

I hesitated as I took his jacket and slipped it on.

"Just don't turn into a Pony pop 'fore we get home!" Two-Bit joked from behind us.

Pony turned his head and glared at him.

"I might turn into a two-bit popsicle." He chuckled. "Well shoot, Soda's already a Sodapop." He laughed slapping his leg.

Everyone just rolled their eyes at his jokes.

We dropped Johnny and Rylie off at their house as we passed, then Two-Bit, Steve, and the Curtis brothers at theirs. Dally and I began walking back to Buck's.

There was another party going on downstairs, so Dally held me close as we walked through the crowd. One guy grabbed my arm, but luckily I broke loose.

"Hold on." I told Dally.

I turned around and punched the guy square in the nose. He backed away after that. I heard Dally laughing.

"Alight, let's go." I motioned towards the stairs.


Ponyboy's Pov:

I laid in bed staring at the ceiling, not being able to sleep. The clock said 3 in the morning. I turned over and saw Sodapop deep in sleep.

Why don't I go take a short walk? I grabbed by switch and shoes, then snuck out the door as quietly as possible.

I walked over to Buck's. I found Dally and Emma's window, and threw small rocks at it trying to wake her. Good thing Dally's a heavy sleeper too, that way I wouldn't wake him up, but still be able to wake Emma.

Eventually, Emma glanced out the window and saw me. She opened the window.

"What're you doing, Pony? It's three in the morning." She whisper shouted from the window. I could tell she was happy to see me though.

"Couldn't sleep. Wanna run away with me?" I asked with a smile.

She hesitated for a second then agreed.

"Sure, but I gotta be back fore' morning. Dally will get mad, and I know Darry will too if you're not home by then."

"Of course we'll be back by then, Emma." I said as she climbed out the window.

We walked down the streets not saying much, just enjoying the moment and looking at the stars. Eventually we found ourselves walking towards the field with the train cart behind it. We've come to this spot so much it's just came natural to go there when we're together I guess.

Emma's pov:

He helped me up onto the cart once he was up there. We laid down on our backs and continued looking at the stars.

We sat in silence some more till I looked over at Ponyboy. He looked very focused on something.

"What'cha doin, Pony?"

"Counting the stars. We were written in the stars." He replied with a corny smile.

I only smiled back at him.

After a while, I asked him again.

"So how many stars are there?"

"Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars." He responded pulling me in for a kiss.

I guess that was his answer. A thousand stars.
Or atleast that's how far he counted until giving up.

We pulled away after we kissed under the dark, night sky.

Before dawn, we ran back through the field to go back to his house.

Once we got there, we climbed up on the roof to watch the sunrise. Pony kept telling me cheesy quotes he probably found in his books. I liked them though, and I made sure he knew that, which made him happy.

"Alright, the suns up. you should probably head back home fore' Dally starts to worry about you." Pony said while helping me down from the roof.

"And you should get inside before Darry notices you're gone." I reminded him.

He showered me with small kisses then headed back inside. I began my walk back to Buck's.

I finally got back to the bar, and I quietly walked back to our room. I carefully slipped back into bed. Guess I wasn't quiet enough since Dally woke up.

"Hey, I noticed you were gone earlier, where'd you go?"

"I just went to the bathroom." I stammered.

He just shrugged it off and went back to sleep. I did the same.

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