Shakes at Sundown

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Emma's Pov:

We got quite a bit done with my race car. I lost track of time till I realized I said i'd meet Curly at six. While I was walking to the diner, I had thoughts on if I should even go or not. It's not too late to turn around and go back to the DX.

But, before I knew it, I was there. Guess I really gotta go now. I walked through the diner doors and the bell went off. I looked around and saw Curly at a small booth already. He noticed me and smiled as I walked towards him.

"Hey, doll."

"What, didn't expect me to show up?"

"No, but glad you're here."

I sat down in the seat in front of him. A waitress came up to our table to take our order. We both got chocolate milkshakes.

"Whats with this...nice?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're being nicer than usual."

"Whats my usual?"

"Don't make me answer that, the list's too long." I chuckled.

"Only nice to you, doll."

I shrugged.

"I wasn't gonna bring it up, but I really am sorry."

"Still mad, but you owe me a pretty big make up." I teased.

"Whatever it takes. I miss you."

"Now don't get the wrong idea about this, Shepherd." I smirked.

He threw a wadded napkin at me. Right as I was about to throw it back, the waitress brought out our milkshakes. We chatted as we drank them and things went pretty smooth. We caught up with each other and might be back to friends. I hope he doesn't get the wrong idea and hope to go steady again.

Being friends with Curly, I wouldn't mind. We were real close before everything happened. We always threw huge parties together which I would sneak off to without Dally knowing. But, I admit. We get along pretty well, and I did kiiiind of miss being friends with him. It was nice getting to catch up.

Once we finished our shakes, the sun had set. Curly drove me to the Curtis house. I figured that's where the gang would be, even this late since it's a weekend. He let me out a little further from the house so the gang wouldn't see me.

"Thanks for meeting me today." He smiled.

"Thanks for the ride."

"So we're on pretty good terms now?"


He held my hand in his and tried to kiss it but I took it away and got out of the car.

"Nice try Shepherd." I teased.

"Hope to see you soon, doll." He waved to me as he drove off.

As soon as I stepped through the door, Dally was already in my face.

"Where were you?" He Rasped.

"Coach called a practice last minute."

"If that's all it was, why didn't you just tell us when you left. Where were you really." It sounded more like a demand for me to answer than a question.

"Doesn't matter."

I shrugged as I sat down on the couch next to Ponyboy. Sodapop and Rylie were cuddling on the other couch while Darry was in his armchair. Two-Bit was sneaking cake in the kitchen.

"Are you gonna tell me where you really were?" Pony whispered.

"Another time."

Before he could ask anything else, I slammed my lips against his which surprised him at the sudden outburst. I guess Dally wasn't paying any attention and didn't notice us since we weren't interrupted.

I turned over to Johnny, and smiled.

"How'd it go?" He asked.

"Pretty good actually. I think we're on good terms now." I whispered.

"Stop that." Darry kept his eyes on his newspaper as he scolded Steve.

"Stop what?"

"Doing that thing with your face when you're happy, it's making me nauseous."

Steve took the newspaper out of Darry's hand and started running around the house with it as Darry chased him. "I'm gonna skin your head!"

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