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Emma's pov:

We finished the first week of school. We were walking home from school today, and since it's Friday, Pony, Johnny, Rylie, and I decided to stop and get milkshakes first.

We got those ordered, then sat down in one of the booths at the diner. Ponyboy put some of his on my nose like he always does.

"You do that every time." I laughed.

"And I'll do it every other time." He smiled.

Rylie and Johnny cringed a little. I don't blame them, Pony can be cheesy sometimes. But I love it.

"That Alinskys been pretty rough on ya, Dash."

Johnny said for conversation. I sighed.

"Yeah. I'd be mad too if I were her, but not hold it against someone who didn't even murder Ivy." I rolled my eyes.

"She might loosen up a bit throughout the year." Pony comforted.

"I sure hope so."

After we finished our milkshakes, we walked to the Curtis house. The rest of the gang was there as usual. I looked around and saw Darry, Soda, and Two-Bit packing some bags and an ice cooler.

"What's going on?" Rylie wondered.

"We're going camping for the weekend." Two-Bit answered.

"And what do you know about camping, Two-Bit?" Pony crossed his arms.

"I used to be in Boy Scouts. So I know a lot about camping, kid." He grumbled.

"That's what he thinks." Dally snickered from across the room.

He was sitting in the arm chair playing with his switch blade. Two-Bit threw a shoe at him.

"C'mon man." He shrieked. We started laughing at them.

"Can yall help us pack?" Darry asked annoyed.

"I will." Johnny said walking up to Darry for instructions. Rylie followed him.

"I got homework. I will after." I sighed.

"I got some too." Pony said.

We both sat down at the kitchen table and began working on it. I had some math homework which was the most frustrating. It was hard to focus as I got distracted of what the gang was doing around me. I did what I could, and I'd have to ask Pony what to do on a couple questions.

Finally, I was on the last problem. I couldn't figure it out and started getting even more frustrated then I was before. I didn't want to ask Pony again, cause I felt like I was being annoying. Probably not to him since I only asked for help on two questions, but I still felt bad.

Out of rage, I slammed my pencil on the ground and stormed into the living room. I sat next to Dally with my arms crossed. A little over the top, but it's been a rough week and I was aggravated.

"Dash, I can help you." Pony offered from the kitchen.

"It's ok, I'll come back to it later." I said calmly.

"Alright, we're all packed." Darry beamed.

"Wait, did anyone pack bug spray?" Soda gasped.

"Right here." Johnny threw it to Soda from across the room.

He caught it, and put it into one of the bags.


"How many nights we going for?" I asked.

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