New Years End

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It's finally New Years eve, and it seems the gang had big plans for today. We were gathered around the Curtis house in the living room. Suddenly, Steve and Sodapop come bursting through the front door.

"Me and Steve are gonna throw a party!" Soda shouted. Steve started making cheering noises. "It's gonna be huge." He continued.

We all looked over to Darry in hope he was okay with this. It seemed fun, and we were all down for it.

Darry crossed his arms and looked at all of us.
"Alright, as long as it don't get out of hand." He gave in. We all got an excited look on our face.

"Come on Super Soc, back to the liquor store." Dally nodded towards Rylie.

"I'm down." She got up from the couch and left with Dally.

"Dash, Johnny, and I will go get some stuff too." Pony shrugged.

"Yeeaaah, if Emma's driving, i'm not going. I'd like to live through New Years." Johnny scoffed.

"I promise I won't, Johnny cakes." I chuckled.

He eyed me as he headed for the front door, Pony and I following him out.

Soda and Steve went to get some other stuff- who knows what, Two-Bit was getting loads of beer cases, and Darry stayed back inviting a bunch of people. I think he was also making a chocolate cake or two.

After we all got back from getting stuff for the party, we had loads of booze, cigarettes, drugs, and a little bit of everything. Half the house was set up now.

"You mind helping me hang these streamers, Dash?" Soda asked.


Once we were all set up, we started changing into something more suitable.

"I brought you something to wear tonight." Rylie smiled at me.

"It's a dress, isn't it."

"Oh come on, you'll like it." She laughed.

She grabbed my hand and led me into Soda and Pony's room. She handed me a beautiful, dark blue satin dress.


"Try it on!" She nudged me into the closet and shoved the dress in my hands.
I slipped the dress on and when I walked out, Rylie had changed into her dress too.

"You look nice." I smiled.

"I could say the same for you." She was wearing a green satin dress with a black leather jacket that looked just like mine.

"You know you like it." She nodded towards my dress. I do have to admit. I really do like it.

"Well this is a one time thing." I grumbled.

We walked back out into the living room with the rest of the gang.

"You look beautiful." Pony walked up to me and kissed me.

"You look hot." Steve breathed to Rylie as he shoved a chunk of chocolate cake into his mouth.

"Alright, everyone will get here soon, so why don't we take a shot on our own real quick." Two-Bit suggested.

We all agreed and he poured a shot glass of booze for everyone. We all took one and chanted happy new years before drinking it.

It's gonna be a fun night.

Finally, everyone started arriving. We played music and got drunk while partying.

Pony and I hardly ever drink, but we thought since it's new years, screw it.

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