Back in the Game

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Multiple days have passed since I had shakes with Curly. Soda, Steve, and I worked on my car a little more. All that's left is to paint it, which we're planning on doing today.

I skipped school again today and head to the DX. I let Johnny, Pony, and Rylie know I was skipping last night. They said they would come after school.

On my way walking to the DX, I saw Curly with his friends again. He walked up to me once he noticed me.

"Hey, doll." I only nodded. "I'm throwin a party this weekend. You wanna come?"

"Hmm." I thought for a moment. This could be a bad idea. "I'll be there." I smirked.

"I can pick you up at eight if you want a ride. Would hate for you to walk."

"Yeah, that'll work. As long as Dallas doesn't see you."

"Don't underestimate my skills, doll." He winked at me and walked back over to his friends.

I was actually pretty excited for this party. Throwing parties with him was always fun.

I continued on my walk to the DX. Once I got there, Soda and Steve were opening up the shop and garage. I did get here pretty early.

"Hey, Dash." Steve grinned. "You're wanting to paint today, right?"


"There should be some paint in the back room. And whats with that smile on your face? Are you blushing too? Were you with Ponyboy?" Sodapop snickered. I glared at him.

"First of all, no, I wasn't with Pony, he's at school. i'm just excited to paint is all."

"It's ok, cars make me blush too." Steve teased.

I definitely wasn't blushing.

I walked into the garages back room and tried to find some paint. I found a good navy, red, and yellow color I wanted to use. I carried the tubs of paint out to the car.

"You guys can work on whatever you need to do. I shouldn't need any help painting."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, it's just painting."

"If you need help, let me know." He smiled as he walked back into the main shop with Steve.

I found the tools I needed to paint, and got started. I painted the front part of the car a dark shade of red. the middle was white and I did the back navy blue. I had to do almost two coats, but it ended up looking clean and smooth.

Next, I used the yellow-gold color to make a lightning bolt down both sides of the car.

On top of the bolts, I used the navy color to paint my number.
Back in my New York races, my number has always been 96, so I painted that on. I used an even darker shade of navy to outline the numbers to give it a nice bold look.

I waited for all that to dry, and spots where it needed touch ups, I went ahead and did that with each color.
Finally, I wanted to paint the inner part of the tire things, Steve told me what they were called but somehow I forgot. I painted those red.

Once I finished that, I was pretty much done painting. I stood back to admire the car. It looked great. I looked over to the clock and it was about 2:30. I had been working for a few hours now. I walked out Into the work room to meet Soda and Steve.

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