Merry Christmas

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Emma's pov:

Just like everyone, I was real excited for Christmas that I could hardly sleep. I opened my eyes and glanced at the clock. It's five in the morning.

I was just about to turn back over to go back to sleep, until I hear subtle whispers out in the hallway that followed with some footsteps.

The whispers and footsteps became louder. Finally, they were close enough to where I could tell who it was.

The whispers sounded like they belonged to Two-Bit and Ponyboy. I kept my eyes closed and didn't move to pretend I was still sleeping to see how this plays out.

"Shh Ponyboy, you're gonna wake everyone up fore' we get to scare em!" Two-Bit whisper shouted.

"Hush up, Two-Bit." Pony grumbled. I could hear them begin to play fight. "Be quiet!" He fumed quietly, still fighting with Two-Bit.

Finally, there was a second of silence. Then, I felt a jump at the end of the couch by my feet. I opened my eyes and saw that Two-Bit had threw Ponyboy down at the end of the couch.

"Look what you did Two-Bit." Pony grunted, motioning towards me. "Now you've gone and done it."

"You guys are real bad at being quiet." I snickered.

"Ponyboy walks loud." Two-Bit pouted.

"That was you with your cowboy boots, Two-Bit."

"It's five in the morning. We promised Darry we would get up at 7:30, no earlier." I broke the argument.

"I can't sleep." Two-Bit bleated.

"Yeah, he couldn't sleep, so he woke me up." Ponyboy crossed his arms.

"Just go back to sleep." Dally fumed from the other side of the room. Two-Bit went back to where he was sleeping while Ponyboy laid beside me on the couch. There was barley room for both of us, but neither of us mind. He wrapped his arm around me as we drifted back to sleep.

I woke up again to the voice of Two-Bit.
"Come on Dash, wake up." He gushed.

"What are you doing?"

"We gotta go wake Darry up. It's 7:30." I sat up and saw Ponyboy still asleep beside me on the couch. The rest of the gang was already awake and picking up the blankets and pillows off the floor.

"Alright." I exclaimed. I got up and slipped on my jacket. Two-Bit woke Ponyboy up. He was mad at first for waking him up again but once he realized it was 7:30, it was all good.

We all tip-toed to Darry's room. Dally kept shushing everyone.

"Alright, count of three, we bust through the door and jump on the bed." Soda snickered. We all agreed and Dally counted to three. We busted though the door and jumped on the bed, as said. Steve was screaming like a kid. Darry  and Rylie jolted awake and looked annoyed.

"Is it 7:30?" He grumbled. He looked over to the clock and sighed once he realized it was in fact seven in the morning. "Five more minutes."

"No, you promised 7:30 the earliest!" Two-Bit grumbled.

"He's been up all night." Dally crossed his arms.

"I want to open presents Darry." Rylie pouted. Darry sighed and got up out of bed.

"Alright, let's go." He chuckled.

We waltzed into the living room and took our spots around the Christmas tree. Darry quickly made his coffee before letting us open presents.

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