Down on One Knee

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Soda pov:

Today was the day. I had talked to Johnny and was granted his blessing. Darrel and I have figured out our financial situation. I took Johnny, Darry, Emma, and Steve to the jewelry store to find the perfect ring for my perfect woman.

I had Emma try on rings we found to see how they looked since her and Rylie wore the same size. It made it easier. I found a ring that I knew my girlfriend would love. It was a pretty penny, but most definitely worth it.

When we got home, the rest of the gang was there. Dally had taken Princess shopping to distract her. Emma and Pony had completely planned the engagement party.

When Rylie and Dally came back home, Dally was exhausted.

"Man Soda, when you told me she insists on going in every store, I didn't think you meant litterally every store." Dally huffed.

Rylie jumped on me as soon as she walked in the door and kissed my cheek. I felt myself blushing, and I was blushing hard.

"Well its nice to see you too, babygirl."

She kissed me over and over until Pony walked in between our bodies. Once she finished kissing me, she took her brand new clothes to the bathroom and put on a fashion show for the gang.

After her fashion show, Darry went back to cooking dinner, and of course it was Rylie's favorite; meatloaf.

We all sat down at the table and dug into our meal.

"I'm feelin' happy today!" Rylie exclaimed.

"What are you happy about, Princess?" Darry asked, eyeing her from across the table.

"I'm not completely sure why, but I have a feeling something amazing is about to happen."

I felt myself smiling.

After I cleared my plate, I did up the dishes. I ran to the shower before any of my siblings could get in. While I was there, I heard the bathroom door come open. I heard Rylie's voice.

"Baby, I'm leaving for tonight. Can I have a kiss before I get going?"

I poked my head out from behind the shower curtain and gave my lady a few kisses.

When I finished my shower, the house was quite. I prepared what to say to Rylie in the mirror, then the next day, Darry and I discussed our plans for the future before I committed to this.

Soon after, Darry sent me off to bed.
He laid with me till Pony came back in the room. When Pony came in our shared room, Darry left to get showered.

I don't remember anything more of the night because all I had on my mind was Rylie. My eyes became heavy and hard to keep open. I fell asleep soon after.

Everything's going to be perfect.

Rylie pov:

When I woke up, Johnny was laying in bed beside me. When I tried to get up, his arm flung over me and pulled me back to his body.

"Lay with me please." Johnny whined while staring at me.

"Fine JohnnyCakes, but we can't stay in bed all day."

After about 30 more minutes of laying in the bed fully awake, I fell back to sleep. I woke up for the second time that morning to the smell of breakfast lingering through the house.

I walked into the kitchen to see Johnny working on some pancakes and sausage. He served me and poured a glass of orange juice for the both of us.

"Does this taste good?" Johnny rubbed my back as I ate my delicious breakfast.

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