Getaway Driver

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Emma's pov:

A few days have passed since the drag race mess. Johnny's been glued to Rylies hip ever since. Wouldn't leave her side.

We were all sitting around at the Curtis house.

"You guys wanna go do somethin?" Dally asked.

"Can we have a sibling outing?!" Rylie suggested excitedly.

"Sounds fun." Johnny exclaimed.

"I'm game." I agreed.

"Alright, lets go." Dally gushed as we walked through the door.

We hopped into Dally's car, and Johnny sat in the back, I guess to be with Rylie, so I took the front.

"Where to first?" Dally asked.

"Down town?" Rylie suggested.


Once we got there, we all had to speed walk to keep up with Dally's "cool walk" just like every time you go with him.

We went into a few shops, Rylie got some new clothes, I got some new t shirts, Dally got a pack of cigarettes, and Johnny got a new switch.

After a while of shopping, we went to one of the mini restaurants to get something to eat. We got a basket of chicken tenders. We chowed down on those then went to Dairy Queen for desert. Rylie and I got our favorite, hot fudge sundae's, while Johnny and Dally just got cones.

We shoved those down our throat, then went to go to the drive-in since it started getting dark out.

We shoved those down our throat, then went to go to the drive-in since it started getting dark out

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"Don't get us kicked out this time Dallas." I
rolled my eyes.

"I won't, I won't!" He exclaimed. We all started laughing.

"I'll go get us some popcorn." Rylie said getting up from her chair.

"I'll go with you!" Johnny called. Rylie was already half way there.

"WAIT!" He shouted with his voice cracking.
He ran to catch up with her.

"You can be overprotective at times Dal, but I'm glad you don't follow me everywhere." I joked.

"Yeah, yeah, but I should start." He swirled, taking out a cigarette.

The movie was starting. Rylie and Johnny came back just in time and handed us our popcorn. We got two larges, one for Dally and I to share, and one for Johnny and Rylie to share.

In the middle of the movie, I pulled a chicken tender out of my pocket.

"Where did that come from?" Dally wondered.

"My..pocket?" I answered.

"Did you take that from the restaurant?" Rylie asked.

I didn't say anything, just took a bite from my chicken tender. They started laughing at me.

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