Matter of Spirit

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Emma's Pov:

Dally and I haven't brought up what happened that night of the party. We actually spent a whole day together the other day. So you could say it's all good between us.

I entered a drag race last week. Ever since then, i've been driving on that back road to practice. I've made up strategies and back up strategies for races. Today is the day of the race actually.
The winner gets a reward of cash.

I was going to keep the drag race a secret from Dally, but after all that's happened, I realized I should tell him. He was glad I was honest and didn't try to keep yet another thing from him, and decided to let me have this.

He promised to come to this race but if he feels it's too dangerous, i'm gonna have to quit. I agreed with him.

Rylie, Ponyboy, and I were going to go early to get ready for the race and they wanted to see me off. The others were going to meet us there right before the race starts.

Around noon, I said bye to Dally and walked over to Rylie and Jonny's house to get her. I threw rocks at her window since I wasn't sure her parents were home, so I didn't want to knock on the door.

After a few rocks, she saw me and climbed out the window, and slid down the pipe to the grass. Johnny followed her out soon after.

"Ready for your race, Dash?" She beamed.

"Wouldn't be sure if I could be more ready." I answered.

We walked over to the Curtis house next. Johnny came so he could wait at the house with them. I knocked on the door, and Ponyboy immediately came.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"I've been up since six in the morning, that should say something." He smiled.

Now that we've got everyone, we walked over to the DX to get my car. I've been parking it there so Dally wouldn't see, and it's probably the safest place I can get for now. The three of us climbed into the car and drove to the race center.

When we arrived, we were greeted by tents set up for other racers. One of the referees came up to the car.

"Number 96, Emma Winston?" He asked.

"Yep." I answered.

"Your tent is to the right."

We pulled in right beside my tent and parked the car. We climbed out of the car with all our bags and checked out the tent. It had a vanity type desk to get ready, changing area, clothing racks, helmet shelf, and all the goods.

"Ok I can't wait any longer to show you." Rylie said.

She reached Into her bag and pulled out a race suit. It was white with two corners of red on the shoulders. There were areas of blue and lightning bolts. It was perfect and matched my car really well.

"Wow." I gushed. She laid the suit into my arms.

"I also have this." She pulled out a matching helmet.

"How did you get these?" I asked.

"I have my ways." She grinned. I gave her a hug and thanked her. "Go try it on!"

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