After Dawn

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3rd person pov:

+++++Ten years later+++++

Everyone found a way to grieve and move on from Emma's death. Some took it better than others. Though their future held pains and sorrow, nothing compared to the incidences from ten years ago.

Two-Bit was able to stop drinking. He got a job as an electrical technician. He stayed in Tulsa, married Marcia, and had two kids, Samual and Noah, which were twins.

Johnny became more protective and cautious over everyone. He married Liana and had one girl by the name of Lily. He works at a security company. They all vacation to Virginia often to visit Liana's brother which had moved there. Johnny visits Rylie almost everyday along with Emma's grave.

Steve married Evie, and had two girls named Natalie and Maggie. He owns the DX with Soda, and teaches Maggie all about cars seen as she is the one who is interested in them. He's also always visiting Rylie.

Darry married Nyla and now owns a roofing company. They had one girl named Alora. He is super protective over them both. He visits everyone in the gang very often.

Dallas had the hardest time moving on. You couldn't expect him to take the death of his only sister well. At first, he began committing crimes left and right, more than usual. It got so bad, he was playing with his life. Eventually, Darry forced Dally into rehab. He began to get better, but still struggles. Now, he's at least able to visit her grave time to time, but it's still hard on him so he always goes with someone. He still works at Buck's bar and avoids going into their old room since he isn't exactly able to handle it just yet. Dally will get there one day. He did though, marry Nyx and had a girl named Stella.

As for Ponyboy, he never learned to love again. He finds himself still looking for Emma in crowds, passing cars, empty fields, and even in the stars. Pony lives with Sodapop and Rylie, and loves their kids as if they were his own. He would write poems and stories about Emma to grief, and visit her grave a lot. He likes to sit next to it and write to her.
Ponyboy works as an english professor, and always has his students write poems for assignments. Reading them reminds him of her too.

—-I had always wanted to bring her flowers, but not like this. Not at her grave. The hardest part about losing her was that I had to keep going, I had to turn to the next page knowing she wouldn't be there. Love never dies, however people do. How would I find a way to love again, when death is so bitter cruel?—-

Rylie's pov:

I stood in the kitchen waiting for my husband of 9 years to walk through the front door. The children ran and screamed as they played in the living room with their uncle Steve.

I walked back into the bathroom and decided to do the unimaginable that I have been putting off. I grabbed a test from under the bathroom sink.

I followed the directions that were listened on the back of the box and slipped the test back into the wrapper. I waited six minutes and walked into my bedroom and sat on my bed before I reopened the package.

The test read "positive." I was pregnant with mine and Soda's fourth child. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I celebrated at the news. I collected myself and walked out of the room to make dinner.

I admired my best friend as he played with my children and his wife fed their baby boy a bottle and put him to sleep. My brother-in-law, Ponyboy walked through the front door of my house and took off his tie as he lifted my child into the air.

I hugged him before he headed into his bedroom. Pony never did marry, so he lives with his brother and I and stays close to our kids and treats them like his own.

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