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Rylie's pov:

Tonight, we all decided to go to the drive in. Soda, Two-Bit, Darry, Johnny, and I all rode together, and Steve, Dally, Pony, and Emma rode in another car. Darry and Dally raced their cars there, and it though Dally swears he won, i'm pretty sure it was Darry.

When we arrived at the drive in, we all switched around in the cars to be with each other. All of us sat in the bed of Darry's truck. It was a tight squeeze, but we made it work.

It was nice anyways, being right next to each other. We got here late, so the second movie was now starting. Soda wrapped his arm around me as I rested my head against his shoulder. He gave me a quick peck on the cheek before turning his attention back to the movie.

I turned and saw Emma and Pony were cuddling. I have to admit, it was really cute. They never pda, so I couldn't help but smile.
Darry and Steve were sitting next to each other while sharing a blanket, which I thought was funny. I was sitting in Soda's lap while he played with my fingers.

Emma's pov:

While the gang was all settled in the back of the truck with blankets and all, Dally, Two-Bit and I went to get popcorn and coke for us all. I walked ahead of the Two-bit to get in line. As I walked in, I saw Curly. He gave me a glare.

I ordered our popcorn and coke, and while I was waiting on it, Dally and Two-Bit caught up to me.

"Was that Curly that just walked out?" Dally badgered. I nodded my head.

"Just leave it, Dal." I sighed.

He rolled his eyes and had Two-Bit help us carry the food back to the gang.

Rylie's pov:

Once Emma, Dally, and Two-Bit came back with popcorn and cokes, the movie started. We talked and hung out while we watched the movie.

I had all my attention turned to the film until something caught my eye.

I turned to see Ponyboy and Emma making out. This was weird to see because they never PDA in front of us, and if they did, it was just cuddling. Luckily Dally was asleep so he wouldn't end Pony's life when he saw.

Once the movie was over, it was freezing. The weather had gotten colder during the movie. Emma had slipped Pony's sweatshirt on and I had Soda's flannel.

"Man, it's cold." Two-Bit jittered.

"Two-Bit, if you say I'll turn into a Pony-pop again, I'll smash your face in." Ponyboy grumbled.

"Shoot, Pony, don't be such a cold-Curtis." Two-Bit teased.

Pony turned around and glared at him, while Two-Bit burst out laughing at his own joke.

We all got loaded back into the separate cars and headed home. We were all still freezing,
so we took turns getting our showers.

Soda and I headed to the bedroom like we always had slept in, and shocked to see Emma and Pony were cuddling in the sheets.

I noticed shortly after that they were both asleep. Usually we would kick them out because we were older, but we decided to leave them be because it was cute.

Soda and I climbed into bed with Darrel. Soda stroked my hair and my eyes became heavy, then it became harder to keep them open.
Soda kissed the back of my head and I soon after fell into a deep sleep.

I felt warm, safe, and loved, in my boys arms.

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