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Emma's pov:

I began running down the street to the towns "basketball court." It wasn't very nice lookin, but good enough to help me practice. A hoops a hoop.

Once I was halfway down the road, I realized I need a ball, and some money to get one. I have an old one back at bucks from when I used to play, but it was old and beat up. Besides I didn't want to run all the way there.

I turned to run back to the house, and saw Johnny, Pony, and Rylie starting their race.

"Thought you were going to practice?" Pony asked once he saw me.

"I am!" I shouted back since I was even further down the road.

I got back to the Curtis house and saw Dally still sitting on the porch smoking a cigarette.

"Got any change Dal?" I asked hurriedly.

"What for?"

"Need a new ball."

"Sorry kid, I ain't got none with me."

"Thats ok." I busted through the front door to ask the others."

"Any of you got change?"

"Yeah, I got a few cents." Two-bit offered.

"Thanks Two, I'll make sure to pay you back."

"Don't worry about it, kid."

I gave him a quick side hug and ran back through the door, then started down the street all over again.

I passed Pony and the others again, and saw they gave me confused looks. I'll explain later if they ask.

Finally I made it into town and went straight to the sports shop. I picked out a basketball real quick, made sure it was my size and all, payed for it, then left.

I quickly ran back to the hoop. I was trying to hurry so I could get as much practice in as possible since tryouts were tomorrow. Still can't believe I forgot, but luckily Rylie reminded me.

Once I made it back, I immediately started practicing. Probably should have done some sort of stretches, but I was too anxious to start playing.

I started with some closer shots to warm up. It's been such a while since I've played as I got kicked off the team two years ago, so it took some getting use to.

I gradually moved farther back from the hoop for longer shots, and did some 3 pointers.

I was starting to get the hang of it again. Next, I did some layups, right handed, and left handed, which I struggled with at first, but got it eventually. Then I wanted to work on dribbling. I dribbled around the court area, left hand and right hand. Left hand was a little harder to pick back up.

After all that practicing, the sun started to set.

"Saw you practicing a bit."

The sudden voice surprised me a little. I turned around and it was Ponyboy.

"How'd I look?" I asked.

"Like a team player." He smirked. "Y'wanna go watch the sunset?"

I hesitated for a little wondering if I should stay and practice more.

"If you want to stay and practice, that's fine." He looked down at his shoes.

"Sure. I could use a break anyway." I agreed.

He put his arm around me as we walked to the field. Once we got there, we started running through the field to the train carts. We climbed to the top, and laid on our backs staring at the colored sky.

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