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Darry's pov:

It's only a few days until Christmas. There's some snowfall tonight. The whole gang was over. I wanted to do something special with the kids. I called them into the kitchen.

"How bout yall come help me make some Christmas cookies?" I beamed. Emma, Rylie, Johnny, and Ponyboy came piling into the kitchen with excitement.

"I want to make cookies!" Two-Bit whined.

"I'll do it with you another night, Keith."

"Yeah, Keith." Dally grumbled.

"Only Darry can call me that." Two-Bit spat. Dally glared at him.

"What kind are we making?" Rylie asked.

"Peanut butter, and sugar cookies." I showed them the recipe.

Ponyboy and Emma started getting out the ingredients while Johnny and Rylie got out cookie cutters, sprinkles, pans, and baking sheets.

We began mixing the batter, following the instructions carefully. Emma and Rylie kept trying to taste the batter when they thought I wasn't looking.

"There's raw egg in it, don't eat it yet." I scolded.

Finally, the dough was made. The instructions said to roll it into a ball and refrigerate it for a while until we can shape it into cookies. Rylie put it into the fridge.

"Now we wait." I put my hands on my hips.

"Look what I found outside!" Soda called, coming in from the front door. He was holding a kitten with soft gray fur.

"Sodapop Curtis, get that thing back outside!" I shouted.

"But look at him! He was outside shivering in the snow!"

"We can't have a cat around the house."

"He's a good kitty though."


"Can we keep him?"

"Put him back outside."

"It's ok kitty, you can stay in my room."

"No, it's not ok, put that thing back outside."

"It's a big downgrade, but you can stay in our bathroom, kitty."

"We aren't having a cat in the house."

"Ok, you can stay in our backyard little guy."

"No cat is staying in our back yard."

"Aw, c'mon Darry."

"Put him back."

"Please get that thing out of here!" Two-Bit shrieked. He ran to the other side of the room.

"Aw, you don't like kitty either, Two-Bit?" Soda frowned.


"But look how cute he is." Soda brought the cat closer to Two-Bit. He backed away quickly.

"Are you scared of cats?!" Dally started laughing.

"No!" Two-Bit tried to defend himself. Steve started laughing at him too.

"Two-Bits scared of cats!" Steve screamed. Sodapop stuck the cat in Two-Bits face. He was up against the wall now.

"He's so precious." Rylie walked up to the cat, petting it. "I want to name him Teddy."

"Don't name it, now you're gonna get attached to it. I'm sorry princess, but we can't keep him." I sighed.

Johnny held him and gave him a warm hug. Emma gently carried the cat out of Johnny's arms and swung it around.

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