First Day Back

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Emma's pov:

The next morning, Dally drove Rylie, Johnny, and I to the Curtis house. I'm real glad they came to us last night. I noticed Dally's soft side showed a little while he was cleaning them up.

He usually was only like that around me if no one else was around, so it surprised me a little.

Rylie and Johnny's cuts and bruises were still bad, but better than they looked last night.

We walked through the door to meet the rest of the gang.

"What happened?!" Soda gasped at their wounds.

"Our folks back home." Johnny explained.

"They came to our place last night. Took care of em." Dally said.

Soda ran up and gave Rylie a tight hug.

"I'm glad y'all are alright." Pony said hugging Johnny.

"Welp, school starts tomorrow, you guys ready?" Darry asked wanting to change the subject. Talking about what happened made him upset.

"I guess." I answered

"Well, gives us somethin to do." Pony soothed.

Johnny and Rylie just nodded their heads.

The rest of the day, we just sat around like we always do. We thought about doing something fun together to celebrate our last day of summer, but considering all the recent events over the past few days, we weren't in the mood. So, playing cards and watching tv it is.

It started getting late out, and neither Pony or I watched the sunset. We really weren't feeling it today.

"Alright, we should head on back. Emma needs some sleep for school tomorrow." Dally joked. I glared at him.

"Pony, you get to bed too." Darry said. Pony gave him a dirty look.

Later that night, we were laying in bed. I could tell neither of us could sleep, but Dally was turned on his side to act like he was.

I stared at the ceiling. This summer was very eventful. Some good times, but mainly bad.

"Dash, wake up, you gotta get ready for school." Dally said shaking me awake. I fluttered my eyes open.

"Alright, alright, I'm getting up." I sighed.

I changed into a black t-shirt with ripped jean shorts, and a brown leather jacket over. I put on my converse, gave Dally a quick hug then left. I saw Pony, Johnny, and Rylie waiting for me outside like they always do.

The rest of the walk to school was small talk, and sighs. We walked into the building and collected our new schedules. We looked at each other's and I had several classes with each of them. We had one class with all three us together.

The day was boring, just teachers introducing themselves, giving assigned seats, and explaining the kind of stuff we'd be doing for the year. So no class work at all today. Easy enough right?

There was one teacher though that seemed off to me. She taught the class Johnny, Rylie, Pony, and I all had together. Her name was Mrs. Alinsky. When she introduced herself, her name kept playing over and over in my head.

Where in the world have I heard that name before?

Then it hit me. Is this Ivy Alinskys mother?

I thought back to the photograph of Ivy I saw at the police station when I was framed. I remeber Ivy had red silky hair and blue frosty eyes. It seems my teacher looks exactly like her.

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