Can't Handle the Randle

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Rylie's pov:

Steve was driving me to school today. I was pretty excited.

I heard his car pull up in the drive way as I added my last touch of makeup. I stepped outside and saw his doofy smile from inside his car. When I climbed into the car with Steve, he smiled.

"Hey Stevie, how are you today" he looked at me and exclaimed,

"Better, now that i'm with you."

I laughed. The reason I loved Steve so much is because he's wild and bold. He won't hesitate to say anything, and I love that about him.

I had my hands in my lap, and the whole ride to school, he placed one of his hands over mine. I hoped he didn't notice that I was blushing.

When we got to school, he walked me to my first class, but instead of leaving, he sat in the seat next to me.

"I wanna come to your classes with you today"

I knew my teachers wouldn't care, so I let him stay.

When Lunch rolled around,we went to a market store about a block away with Johnny, Two-bit, Ponyboy and Emma.

I got a bag of chips, Dr. Pepper and a sandwich. I had extra change so I bought us a pack of cigarettes to share. We ate and smoked then decided to head back to school.

Steve grabbed my arm.

"I have a test in history, so I have to go to this class. Sorry Princess."

I didn't care so I followed him to his class, and while he took his test I worked on my homework.

Once school was over, Johnny, Two-bit, Pony, and Emma, all went to see a movie while Steve and I decided to stay so we could be alone and have time for ourselves.

"Steve, do you want to help me make a cake?"

He didn't even answer, he just walked into the kitchen and got out our ingredients. When we finished our batter, we put the cake in the oven and started making the frosting.

"Look at me, you have something on your face!"

I made the wrong choice of looking at him and he smeared frosting on my nose. We both laughed as I wiped it off, and I was determined to get him back.

"Im going to use the bathroom, i'll be back."

I waited for Steve to get out of the bathroom and smeared icing all over his cheek.

While the cake was in the oven, Steve turned on the radio. A slow song came on. Steve grabbed my waist and pulled me to dance in the kitchen. I rested my head on his shoulder and soaked up the moment.

When we got the cake out of the oven, we had to let it cool. Steve turned the radio off and laid down on the couch.

"I'm tired, I think I'll take a nap while that cools."

I nodded in agreement and laid on top of him. I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck and quickly went to sleep.

I woke up about an hour later to Steve slowly and gently playing with my hair. I never wanted this moment to end. The moment was interrupted by Darry walking through the door with Soda. Steve and I greeted them and walked into the kitchen to frost our cake.

By that time the rest of the gang was at the Curtis house. We ate dinner and relaxed. It was a warmer night. I kissed Soda and Steve on the cheek and headed out the door with Johnny.

It was darker out than usual. Before we got inside our house, we could hear our parents fighting. Instead of walking into the mess, we went to the lot. I laid close to Johnny on the old seat.

As we were talking, I played with his fingers before he fell asleep. I kissed right above his scar.

"I love you Johnny Cakes, sleep well tonight." I fell asleep soon after.

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