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Emma's pov:

I walked through the door of Dally and I's shared bedroom after basketball practice, to see Ponyboy waiting for me inside with Dally.

"Hey, Dash, how was practice?" Dally asked.

"It was alright." I answered as I sat my bag down.

"Pony's here for you, by the way." Dally rolled his eyes.

I looked over to where Ponyboy was standing. He was wearing a fancy button down with jeans. He walked over to me, stroked my hair, and kissed me.

"I'm gonna take you somewhere special." He breathed against my neck. I smiled as I pulled away.

"Alright, let me get ready." I smirked.

I turned to my closet and picked out a red satin dress to wear, with Dally's black leather jacket. I quickly changed out of my practice jersey and changed into my dress. I touched up my hair, and walked back over to Ponyboy. I waved bye to Dally, and we left.

We began walking down the street.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"Well, first we're gonna get something to eat, then I thought we could go to the drive in."

"Sounds great." I swirled.

After we walked through town, we made it to the restaurant. It was pretty fancy. We walked in and waited to get seated.

"Table for two." Pony told the waiter.

We followed him to our table and sat down. We ordered our drinks and our food. While we were waiting on it, Pony and I talked a bit.

"You have beautiful eyes. The kind I get lost in every time I look at them." He smirked.

I laughed, shook my head, and gave him a smile. "You're an idiot." He began laughing with me.

Shortly after, the waiter brought out our food. We both got steak. As we ate, we made jokes, brought up memories, and Ponyboy told me corny quotes he found in his books. I fell even more in love.

After we ate, Pony held my hand as we walked to the drive in. We found our seats, and Ponyboy went to get us snacks. I gazed at the sky while I waited for him. Not much later, he came back with popcorn, candy bars, and a coke for the both of us.

The movie started and we sat real close to one another. Pony had his arm around me as we watched the movie. As the movie played, I fought to stay awake, though I didn't completely fall asleep. Practice was kind of rough today.

Once the movie finished, we walked back to his house. When we walked through the door, Sodapop was watching tv, while Darry was doing bills at the kitchen table.

"Hey you two." Soda smirked.

Pony rolled his eyes at him, then grabbed my hand as he led me into his and Soda's bedroom.

Ponyboy closed the door and turned the lights off. The moon light that shone through the window still lit up the room. I took my jacket off and dropped it onto the floor. Ponyboy tripped over the table by the door.

"You didn't see that."

"I did."

"Just kiss me."

Ponyboy tackled me onto the bed.
He looked into my eyes above me. Our faces moved closer together, and we kissed.

Ponyboy moved his hand to my cheek, and it turned into a make out. He made a move on my neck which probably left love bites. We kept going, made up for lost time. He stroked my hair as he pressed his lips against mine.

I turned over to where I was above his face now. My lips brushed against his, but I didn't kiss him. I stayed there and a smirk grew on my face.

"You tease." Pony grumbled.

"Where'd you learn to do this, huh Pony?" I joked.

"From a movie Darry told me not to watch."

I kissed him as he traced my collar bones with his fingers. He moved his other hand down my side and held my waist. He kissed down my neck again and kept going down farther.

It was amazing, and of course we had to be interrupted. Darry walked into the room.

"Pony, do you have any school assignments you need to do?" He paused once he saw us.

Pony and I froze and looked at him. "Dally's gonna kill you, Ponyboy." He closed the door and left.

Pony and I looked back over to each other, and I flopped down beside him. We were both on our backs and looked to each other.

I started laughing, then Pony started laughing with me. We both turned to our sides and our faces were closer. I felt his breath against my neck. He pulled me in, and we started making out again.

After a while, we laid beside each other on our backs and stared at the ceiling. I glanced over to see an irritated look on his face from Darry interrupting. I chuckled softly.

He wrapped his arm around me, and I snuggled close. I fell asleep in his arms.

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