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Rylie pov:

Today was October 31st. As soon as school let out, we all rushed to the Curtis's house to get ready for Halloween. On our way, we saw little kids already dressed up and trick or treating.

When we got there, Darry was making some brownies. We all immediately started getting our costumes on.

Steve, Soda and I were going as ghost. original right? Johnny and Pony as some book characters, Dally as himself, Darry as superman, and Emma as a Soc. I kind of talked her into dressing up as a Soc so I could do her makeup, and dress her up all nice to be honest.

"Come on Dash, get in here so I can do your hair!" I called excitedly.

This was the part she was dreading most. She dragged herself into the bedroom to meet me. I pinned up a few places and braided others, and finally it was done.

Next, I did her makeup just as I did when I was a Soc. I had a field day with this. I took her into the bedroom to get her in one of my dresses. She looked super pretty, and it was definitely different.

When we showed the gang her outfit, they started laughing. Steve said she looked like an actual Soc.

Darry and Dally were in the kitchen sharing a bottle of white wine. When I entered, Darry poured me a glass and I leaned up against the counter.

Soda came barreling in and initiated a make out session. Dally laughed and things started picking up. Darry usually seemed annoyed when we did this, but he chuckled and drank his wine. We were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"I got it." Johnny said.

I followed close by him thinking it was trick or treaters. When he opened the door, he was greeted by an officer.

"Oh...hello officer. Something wrong?"

"Oh, yes. Is Emma Winston here?"

"Yeah, I'll go get her." Johnny stuttered.

I watched as Johnny walked to the kitchen to get her.

"It's for you, Dash."

"Who?" She wondered.

"An officer."

"Oh great, what'd you do this time?" Darry scolded her.

"Nothing, seriously. I'll go see what he wants."

Emma's pov:

I walked back to the door where the officer was waiting.

"Hello officer." I greeted casually.

"Greetings, Emma. I have some bad news." I frowned. The officer took his hat off and held it low.

"I'm sorry to report the death of your brother. Dallas Winston. A few kids found his body by the back of the park. We are currently investigating the cause of his death."

"But...it can't be."

"I'm sorry, Emma."

"But, that's not possible."

"I'm afraid so."

"He can't be dead."

The officer stayed silent a moment and gave me a look of sympathy, sorry, and worry.

"He can't be dead because he's in the kitchen." I said slowly.


"Dallas is in the kitchen right now. He's not dead."

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