Happy Bithday, Princess

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Rylie pov:

Today is the day. July 18th. I turn 15 years old today.

Johnny woke me up bright and early, giving me a hug and playing with my hair.

I got a shower, did my makeup, and curled my hair. I put on a brown dress with a black leather jacket, and grabbed my black converse.

Johnny and I walked to the Curtis's house. Steve, Two-bit, and Dally's cars were all already at the house. I walked in and the gang had the whole house decorated.

I smiled and hugged Darry. When we pulled away, I softly kissed his cheek.
I went up to Emma and wanted to tease her a bit.

"Imagine being 13. Couldn't be me." I faked yawned.

She gave me a stank eye and cursed at me under her breath.

Then I hugged her super tight, and while doing so, someone moved my hair. It was Dally.

"Happy birthday Super soc." I smiled and forcefully pulled him into a hug.

I kissed Steve and Soda for longer than I should have, considering we were in front of the gang.

"Happy Birthday, Baby!" Soda shouted before kissing me again.

We played "Clue" which is my favorite board game. I managed to win every game. We were grilling for my birthday dinner, and Darry went out to start the steaks. Johnny and I worked on cutting vegetables for a veggie tray while Pony made the dip.

"I can't believe you're so old already Princess." Johnny muttered.

I kissed his scar and pulled him into a hug. After dinner, the gang brought me my cake. It was an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen.

After we ate the cake and cleaned up the mess, Darry gathered us all around the coffee table in the living room to open my presents.

I opened a card from Emma with a super sweet message. "I hope you have the best 15th birthday you can get. I love you so much. Thank you for being my best friend, love Emma."

I hugged her and opened my gift from her. It was a very pretty dress. I hugged her again and thanked her. Dally slid a carton of cigarettes across the table with a note attached with sloppy handwriting.

"Happy birthday, Doll. Glad you're not a soc anymore. Being a greaser makes you hotter. - Dallas" I tried to hug him and he pushed me away. Darry snapped at him and forced us into a hug.

Steve and Soda got me a combined gift. Each of them wrote me a note. It got a little personal so I didn't read it out loud.

Steve handed me a mini box. I unwrapped it to find a necklace with "Princess" ingraved into it.

I kissed them both then realized what I did. I kissed two boys one after the other, not only in front of the gang, but in front of Johnny.

I looked over to him. He didn't say anything, but had an expressionless look on his face, so I couldn't tell what that meant.

Johnny gave me a box. I was shocked to see that Johnny got me a gift because we really didn't have the money. Inside was a gold ring with a Marquise cut diamond. I gasped and hugged him tightly. I kissed his scar and hugged him again.

I was in so much shock I started crying. Once I calmed down, Two-bit gave me my present from him. Inside was a switchblade. It was beautiful. I hugged him tightly and we both smiled big.

Lastly was Darry's gift to me. It was a pair of diamond earrings to match my ring. I broke down in tears of joy once again. I sat on his lap till I could calm down. I kissed his cheek and I could see his smile.

We played one more round of clue until Two-Bit brought out some alcohol. Johnny grabbed a beer and sat on the couch. I sat next to him and stared at it. I took the drink out of his hand a took a sip. It didn't taste good, but it wasn't horrible.

Then there was a knock on the door. I got up and opened it, and to my surprise it was Cherry and Marcia.

"Happy birthday Rylie!" They beamed.

Cherry handed me a card. I decided to open it later since I wanted to get back to the gang.

I didn't want to cause trouble so I smiled and thanked them. They left shortly after.

I went inside and laid my head on Darry's shoulder. Steve put a drink in my hand. I sipped it, and this one tasted better. It tasted like a mix of strawberry and watermelon. I had Dally try it.

After a while, we started settling down for the night. We watched a movie then headed for bed. When we got into the room, I changed into some of Soda's clothes and hopped onto bed.

Steve and Soda did the same. I made out with both and cuddled in between them.

This is the best birthday I have ever had and I spent it with the best people.

And now I was laying with the best boys I knew.

Best day ever.

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