2: Pain [REVISED]

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The alarm clock hurled through the air and slammed into the wall. I was having a good sleep until that damn alarm clock woke me up. I looked at the time and gasped. Wow, it was early. My papers said that I would start the Academy today. I got ready and grabbed a piece of bread for breakfast and ran off. I was five minutes late. I didn't care. Neither should the teacher, I could tell him I got lost if he got mad.

I walked in and ignored the fact that all eyes were curiously gazing upon me.

"Who are you?" the sensei asked.

"Fubuki, the new student." I stated, handing my papers to him.

"Well, I'm Iruka sensei. Nice to meet you!" he said nicely, then looked at the students. 

"Hmmm.....Sit next to Eiko and Sasuke." he said.

"But Iruka-sensei, I'm sitting next to Sasuke!" a pink haired girl whined.

"Move next to Naruto." he said. "Now class, introduce yourselves. I'll have Fubuki introduce herself as well. Start at the corner."

I skillfully memorized all their names once they said it, I recognized some clan names. I had studied them. It was down to the boy named Sasuke.

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha." he said. My eyes sparked with interest. An Uchiha, huh?

"Well, hi everyone. I'm Fubuki Mayuko." I said.

"Impossible, that clan died out long ago." Sakura stated snobbily, glaring at me. I turned to look at her.

"Thank you for reminding me my entire family is dead. Wonderful. Would you like me to demonstrate my power?" I asked, harshly.

She was quiet for a moment. "Fine. But how did you survive?" she asked.

"I'm not talking about it, now shut your mouth, Pinkie." I said, some people in the room giggled. 

She looked at Sasuke, then blushed. I embarrassed her.

That's what happens when you try to look cool by being mean.

I sat in between Sasuke and Eiko.

"Oh my god I can't believe you said that to Sakura." Eiko whispered, laughing.

"She pissed me off." I stated.

"I could see. It was funny though." she said, I looked at Sasuke. He was cute, but oh well. I didn't care for him, he did seem interesting. Then I looked back at the teacher.

During the class, Iruka said something that caught my attention.

"Okay, I'll show you how to hit targets with kunai. Some clans though were really great at throwing weapons." his eyes looked at me. "Fubuki, did any of your family members master weaponry? I know of some famous Mayukos that did." he said. I got up wordlessly and walked to him. I took out a mini bow and arrow from my bag, and said a jutsu. It poofed into a bigger version, I hit the target. I shot another arrow and split the other in half. I then made it go smaller, and threw several kunai in the air. They all cancelled each other out, and landed point down on the floor, hitting other targets while they redirected the main kunai, making it hit the target. I walked back to my seat.

"WOW! Well, Fubuki! That was amazing!" he said, shocked. I just smirked.

My clan wasn't best in weaponry, it was best in Genjutsu. But that didn't mean we couldn't enhance other skills. My mother was best at weaponry, she taught me.

I noticed Sasuke looking at me. I locked eyes with his onyx ones, his eyes bore into mine. We stared at each other for a while.

"Yes?" I finally asked.

He looked away after sending me a glare.

"Pretty boy's mad that you don't like him like every girl in this room. Me and you are the only girls who don't like him." Eiko stated.

"That's pretty interesting." I said.

"I don't want girls to like me." Sasuke snapped, hearing Eiko.

"What, Sasuke? You like who? Oh, wow!" Eiko giggled. All of his fangirls started freaking out, screaming "Who," clearly ready to kick some butt. 

Sasuke glared at the group of flailing women, who didn't stop freaking out until I gave them the death glare. It shut them up instantly, and they moved farther away from me. Excellent. 

Now that I had no more distractions, I looked back at the front of the class and payed attention to Iruka sensei.

I felt my head start hurting, I grabbed onto it and shut my eyes tight. It hurt so bad. The pain never went away, I could never control this pain.

I let out a shaky gasp, Eiko's hand wrapped around my wrist comfortingly. She knew my pain. She was the only one.

This pain was actual, it always ran through my body at random times. I'm glad it's only hurting my head right now, though. I didn't want to attracted attention, or look weak. I hated that.
"Time for lunch!" Iruka said, I quickly ran out of the room. I went to my apartment and grabbed my lunch. It was beef teriyaki and rice. I cooked it myself, the rice I had made last night and just put in the microwave. I put my lunch in a bag and jumped outside, sitting on a bench. Eiko walked up to me and sat down, she smiled at me.

"How's the pain?" she asked.


"I knew that." she scoffed, then started laughing.

I sighed.

"It won't go away. I'm screwed." I said.

"How long has it been there?"

"Since a time ago."

There was a silence between us, I guessed she had nothing to say, which was rare.
"You and Naruto should date." I insisted, she spit out her food. She started choking.

"He's only a friend." she stated. "Besides, I know who does have a crush on him and I think they're perfect for each other. But I can't tell you who it is!"

"Fair enough."

"You and Sasuke are alike, you should date."



"Well Naruto isn't a douche bag."

"Sasuke is a douchebag."

She rolled her eyes. "You don't actually think that."

"I do. He's a douche."

Eiko started to snicker. Her joy was contagious, it caused me to crack a smile. Eiko smirked at me now. "You rarely smile. You should smile more." she said, I shook my head.

"Nothing makes me smile anymore."

"Ooohhh, emo moment!" she said, then giggled. I rolled my eyes.

"Nice. How sweet of you to say that."

"Aww you know you love me!" she said, then hugged me.

I hugged back.

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