83: Getting Out Alive

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“Are you sure?” Orochimaru asked, suspiciously staring at me. He trusted Sasuke, not me.

“Positive. Let me dispose of her.” Sasuke said, glaring down at my “lifeless” body.

“How about I check?” Kabuto asked.

“Hn. Kabuto, you’re not better than checking someone’s heart beat than I am. Shut up.” Sasuke said cooly, picking me up bridal style. He was not careful with me, it was either because he did not like me, or because it would heighten suspicion in the room. Maybe both. He looked at Orochimaru with an emotionless look. “I’m going to heal myself while I am out there.” he picked up a medical pack, then started walking to the exit of the lair.

He brought me outside, walking into the forest. After a moment, he set me down.

“Heal my wounds, and I’ll heal yours.” he snapped. I nodded, lifting my arm out. I let out a groan, the pain intensified in my wounds. I collapsed on my back on the floor. My breathing was now labored.

He sighed, taking the pack off his back. He took out disinfectant, putting it on my wounds. He put a cloth in my mouth to stop my screaming, I fainted from the pain.

“Fubuki.” I heard, I opened my eyes slowly. I yawned. I sat up, meeting violet eyes. 

“Hidan, what are you doing in my roo-“ I stopped. “We’re not in my room....” I was in a forest. Everything came back to me suddenly.

“Leader wanted me to fucking find if you were still alive, and we’re in the forest clearing, dumb shit.” he rolled his eyes. “He also wanted me to tend to your goddamned wounds, but I can’t see shit that’s bad. The only thing that is would be your stupid ass shirt is fucking soggy with blood, but your wound is healed.”

I got up, and shook my head. “I healed myself before I knocked out.” I lied. “Let’s go back.”

Hidan nodded, he started to walk. I walked with him. I decided I wouldn’t tell him what happened.

“I was so fucking pissed when I found out you were forced to fight to the death. Strangely, so was Itachi.” Hidan said, shrugging. “I don’t know what side he was on, though.”

This kinda shook me. “Everyone found out?” I asked.

“Stupid leader had to pick you. I said ‘Bitch, I’m immortal’ and the fucker wouldn’t listen.” Hidan scoffed. “I CAN’T die. You can. What idiot would throw out a girl who is apparently one of the best ninjas out there to fight when she can fucking die?” he scoffed. I didn’t know whether or not to be flattered or freaked out.

“Idiots. That’s fucking who.” I put my hand over my mouth, I was okay with cussing, but that was a total Hidan moment. Hidan caught it too.

“Hah, sweetheart, I believe that’s my fucking way of speaking.” he said cockily, I gave him a small glare.

“Shut up.” I muttered.

He just chuckled, then it got all silent. It was better like this, I wanted to think.

Why the hell didn’t Sasuke finish me off, it wouldn’t have been that hard. Why didn’t I finish him off? We were vulnerable most of the time.

Could we not let go of our past together? Of us?

The bitter thought snapped me back to reality. I couldn’t let go of emotions?

“Bitch.” I randomly said to Hidan, his eye twitched.

“Whore.” he snapped. I laughed, making him silent for a moment. He then realized I was kidding, and laughed a little.

“Jee, thanks Hidan.” I joked.

He shook his head, the smirk never leaving his face. “Your creepy eyes, can you change them back?” he asked, looking at me.

“No.” I said, then leaned closer to him. “Don’t you sense the presence of someone?” I asked.

Hidan looked around. He paused, then leaned over to me. 

“Pretend like we’re hugging so we can talk.” I said to him quietly. He turned to me, I hugged him and put my mouth next to his ear. His hands rubbed my back, so it looked like we were a couple who finally got alone time.

“The chakra is familiar, so let me handle it.”

His lips traveled along my jaw line, he was taking advantage of this moment. When his lips reached my ear, I shuddered from the feeling of his breath.

“No, I want to fucking sacrifice.”

“If I know them, I could just knock them out. I don’t want someone I knew dead.”

“But I want to fucking kill.”

“Hidan....” I said sexually, my lips on the spot right below his ear. He tensed a little, but I knew it was only because he wasn’t used to me like this. He was quiet for a moment.

“Fine.” he said, his voice was a little shaky. I had gotten to his head. I smirked and pulled away.

“Baby, isn’t this just the most beautiful scenery?” I asked, just to annoy him. His eye twitched. Payback. I knew he hated my mushiness. I did too, but it was great to see his reaction to it.

“Fan-fucking-tastic, sweetheart.” he muttered. I smirked.

I pulled my hair to the side and moved my head to the left a few inches, a kunai flying past my shoulder.

“I knew it.” I snickered, turning around. My eyes glimmered, taking in the opponent’s heartbeat. It was beating fast, which said a lot about the person. “I bet you wanted to finish me off there, eh?” I asked, knowingly.

I heard the opponent’s grunt. It was female.

Hidan raised his retractable pike in the air.

“Hidan, this fight is mine.” I reminded him. He cussed under his breath, and backed up. He sat against a nearby tree.

The young girl jumped off the tree and landed before me.

My eyes widened in shock.


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