82: Unwanted Fight

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I stay still in his embrace, then felt what I was waiting for.


Sasuke’s sword sliced my side, causing blood to drip out. It was so quiet in the room at that moment, I could hear my blood drip on the cold ground.

I pulled back, the pain in my side was not as intense as the pain in my heart.

My fist pulled back, then slammed into Sasuke’s cheek. He stumbled back, I gripped my side. I ran at him, roundhouse kicking him in the chest. He stumbled back more, my clone went behind him and wrapped her arms around him.

“Pain.” I muttered, it was the only thing I could fight with. Water jutsu he could weaken with lightning, and possibly electrocute me with it. Lightning jutsu vs. lighting jutsu was worthless. I had to use my kekkei genkai.

He writhed in his constraints, his head tilting up as he squirmed. A soft whimper escaped his soft lips, his feet drawing back. He tried to break free from my clone. He couldn’t, he was too into the pain to move.

It wasn’t until a while of this that I saw Sasuke’s hands unclasp each other, he had pulled of a jutsu without me knowing. I just wish I knew which one.

I felt another source of chakra, I was thrown to the wall. The impact of hitting the wall caused my wound to become worse, my shirt was nearly fully stained crimson on the side he sliced me, my right side. Sasuke had created a clone to attack me from behind, which I would have seen, had I not been too in to my jutsu.

I cursed to myself. He knew how Genjutsu worked. There has to be more than one person to save someone from genjutsu. When someone is under genjutsu, the attacker is occupied with the jutsu and they can not move from their place. If someone were to even shake that person, or the person who is currently being attacked, the genjutsu is released. Itachi has used genjutsu on Sasuke, too, so Sasuke has gone through worse Genjutsu than mine. Of course he could get out of it, even if it wasn’t a quick escape.

I felt my shirt being pulled up, I got up. Sasuke was pulling me up, and I would follow. My side hurt way too bad to be jerked around, I would try to lessen the pain.

My mind instantly started thinking up jutsu I could use to get him away. I needed a little time to heal myself. Sakura had taught me how to heal really bad wounds into wounds that hurt, but didn’t hurt as much before and bled less. I needed to use that badly, it would definitely help.

“Water prison jutsu!” I sealed him in a sphere in water, my right hand holding it there. I knew he couldn’t successfully do a jutsu right now, the water would make his lungs panic. He would be more concentrated on oxygen than a jutsu.

My left hand touched my wound, I let out a cry. The pain was unbearable. I instantly went to work, healing as much of the wound as possible.

I let go of the jutsu, instantly grabbing him and tackling him on the floor. I was straddling his waist, pinning his wrists down with my arms. I glared down at him. He glared back up at me.

“What are you going to do, your hands are occupied.” he snapped. I grinned.

“Oh, I have a couple tricks up my sleeve.” I snickered, spitting on his face. I instantly got off of him. 

“Augh!” he shouted, wiping my saliva off his face. Yes, that was really gross. I was never like that, but I needed it to buy me some time.

“Water release: gunshot!” my clone grabbed him when he was done wiping his face, he was shocked to see I wasn’t done yet. Balls of water were shot at him, powerfully colliding with his chest. His body went limp with each hit, he even let out a cry every couple of shots.

He broke free, kicking my clone back. She poofed away, Sasuke ran at me. I backed up, slamming my arm back. The clone he was trying to get to attack from behind without me knowing disappeared. He cussed loudly, he wanted me to be totally oblivious to this.

“Fire style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!” he jumped in the air, spitting balls of fire at me. I dodged each one, he smirked. I was confused, until I felt things wrap around my arms. I looked to see there were shuriken in his fire jutsu, connected with strings. He pulled the strings back, the shuriken piercing my skin and not budging. He had me.

I gasped, if I moved, my arms would start bleeding more than they already were. I could also harm major parts of my arms, which were right next to the shuriken. With one flick of the hands, he could amputate my arms. 

Shock settled in my head, more adrenaline than before rushed through my veins. My legs shook, I was doomed.

He smirked, pulling me toward him. I obeyed, if I didn’t, my arms could cut off.

His lips grazed the top of my ear, I shuddered from the contact. His warm breath tickled my ear.

“Bye.” he said, snapping his hands up.

The shuriken cut my arms. Not the major parts, but where it would bleed and prevent me from moving. I knew he didn’t want to get the major parts, he wanted to play around like a lion did to his meal.

I screamed aloud, collapsing on the floor. A kunai was gripped in my arms, I shakily sliced his foot. He backed up, pain causing him to collapse. My arms were losing blood, but I could still fight.

I took the kunai and stabbed him in the chest, his eyes widened, his face contorted in pain.

“Unnggh...” he winced as the pain spread, I stabbed again. Tears were streaming down my cheeks.

“You brought this on yourself.” I whispered, the kunai only hit spots that would guarantee he would faint of blood loss.

I didn’t want to do this. Frantically, I handed him my kunai. I didn’t know if it was blood loss changing my mind, but at the moment I was sure of this.

“Pretend I’m dead and I won’t hurt you anymore.” I whispered harshly. He sat up and shoved me down, bringing the kunai down at me. I closed my eyes quickly, the pain never came.

I was about to open my eyes, until I heard something that absolutely shocked me. “I.....She....She is dead.” Sasuke said, letting out a gasp. 

I stay still, if I moved, my life was lost.

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