94: The Results Are In

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“Wait!” I called, I ran over to him. He stopped and turned.
“What?” he snapped.
“What do you mean?”
“No, tell me.”
He sighed. “You can’t be mad at me, our baby could have been on the line, and I don’t care if we don’t got the results yet, it’s....Still, I don’t want to lose you anyways.” he sighed once more.
I paused for a moment. “But I always go on missions. Why would you care if I went now?”
He looked up at me with hard eyes. “I don’t want to lose you, I finally have you and I want us to stay together since I want to settle down. Before, it would have been better if you died since it would have hurt a lot less for me. So I had no reason to come home. But if you die, I have no reason to stay here either.” he said.
I understood what he meant. 
“I don’t want to lose anyone else, if you go it will be you or the baby. If we have one in there.” he touched my stomach gently, I looked away. I understood him now.
“You could have told me....” I took his hand and entwined our fingers. “I would have understood, we went through the same things.”
“Yeah, I’m just not one to express my thoughts. I thought you knew that.”
“I do, but I’m me. And you love me.”
“I do love you, but that doesn’t make me totally open with you.” he sat down at a nearby bench, under a cherry blossom tree. I sat down next to him.
I looked up at the sky. “You know, it’s fine. I can be like that too.....”
He nodded, looking down at his lap.
“But,” I continued. He looked up at me, studying my face. I looked at him, our eyes locked. “I know I can count on you.”
He thought for a moment, then looked back down to his lap.
I smiled, I felt something soft brush against my palm. I looked down at it, seeing a petal had landed on my fingers. I held it in my fingers.
“Bottling things only make it worse.” I added.
“I know it does.” he admitted. “I’ll try to tell you things I promise.”
I wanted to say something like “can I trust your promises anymore?”, but I held it back.
“But.” he added. “You need to also do me a favor.” I cringed, I was expecting that. Actually, hoping it didn’t happen.
“But?” I asked.
“But, you can’t accept every single mission you get assigned.” he said, then looked me in the eyes.
I sighed deeply. “Fine. Fine then.” I said, then put my hands on my lap. He smirked. I looked down at my shoes, biting my tongue. I couldn’t argue, and he knew that. I got up.
“Let’s go home.” I muttered.
“Okay.” he said, getting up. He smirked. I wanted to slap him.
Then hug him after.
Two weeks later, I was screaming around the house.
“Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!” I screamed. Sasuke ran into the room, his eyes wild.
“What?! What?! What?!” he asked.
I shivered, holding up the pregnancy test.
“Is it positive?!” he asked, I backed up to hide it from him.
“I can’t say!” I gasped.
“Why?!” Sasuke asked.
“I don’t know if it’s right!”
“Is it positive?!”
“No, wait, yes, wait, no, I don’t know I’m too much into shock to say!”
“DON’T SCREAM, AHH!!!” I ran into the kitchen, he ran after me.
“Tell me!” he shouted.
“Fubuki, this is so out of character! Give it!” he lunged for the test, I quickly through it out the window. He stopped, then glared at me. I smiled.
“Whoops.” was my carefree response.
Then, he smirked. 
“Wait, why are you- AHH SASUKE, NO!” I screamed as he jumped out the window after the test. He landed gracefully on his feet, and picked it up. I waited for a moment, looking at his face for reaction. 

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