87: Returned Feelings

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I sat down at my table, sighing. I tapped my fingers on the table, shaking my head. I had just found out Sasori had died. He wasn’t mean to me, and we knew each other.

I stood up. He was a good guy, just misunderstood. No one would ever really get him, either. Well, maybe me. But I doubt I get half of him, I just think I do. I know his parents were killed at a young age, and that really impacted him.

Sakura and this old lady, Granny Chiyo had killed him.

I was not sent on the mission, because of my past with the Akatsuki. They thought I would betray the Leaf and Sand, and go with my old friends.

Deidara had apparently lost his arms, which I thought was humorous. He was always a cocky person, I knew he’d royally screw up like that. I knew his arms would be sewn back on by Kakuzu, though.

I was called to Tsunade’s office several times, she always asked me to rat out the Akatsuki members’ abilities, but I never did. Like right now, she wanted me to come to her office. She would talk to me about it, I had my reasons. This time I would stick them to her.

I arrived at her office, walking in and sitting in the chair in front of her. Shizune was holding Tonton as usual, who looked as happy as ever. She, or he, whatever the gender was of the pig, oinked happily.

“Fubuki, you need to tell me.” Tsunade said, causing me to look over at her.

I sighed. “I can’t. That would be like me ratting you guys out to them. I haven’t told them details about you, I’m not telling you details about them. If I tell you about them, then I sure as fuck will tell them about you.” I pointed out.

Tsunade’s eye twitched, she slammed her fist down on the desk. “If you don’t tell me, I’ll ban you from Konohagakure forever!” she snapped at me.

“Go ahead, then I’ll tell Akatsuki the secrets about Konoha, and tell Sasuke about the tracking devices. In fact, you can’t kick me out.” I said, holding up a scroll. “This scroll states that no one, even the Hokage, can kick any members of my clan out of the village because it was connected to the founding clans of the village, and Kaminari Mayuko knew Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senji. Kaminari made the Mayuko clan stand down and give the two clans whatever they needed to prosper.” I stated. 

“Give me that.” Tsunade ordered, I rolled it over to her. She opened it and read it, her eyes hard. After a moment, she rolled it over to me. “Very well, then.” she grumbled.

“If you’ll excuse me, I have something to do.” I said, getting up. I headed for the door. Shizune whispered something to Tsunade.

“Wait, not so fast.” she sighed, I turned to look at her.

“Yes?” I crossed my arms.

“The mission for Sasuke is now. He is in a location where he will be easy to capture, do you chose to go alone or with someone?” she asked me, I didn’t have to think about it.

“Alone.” I said, then hesitated. “I don’t want anyone else to come, I like to work alone. It gives me time to think.”

“Very well,” she then put her hand under her chin. “Good luck.”

“Thank you.” I answered, leaving.

It wasn’t shocking that Tsunade had randomly told me about the mission, she said it would be a random time, even she didn’t know when it would happen. It was just convenient that I was there at the time.

I went to go get my backpack at home, then left to go find Sasuke with my tracking device.

I arrived in the town he was supposed to be in, seeing he was not that far away. I followed, to see a figure at the edge of a lake, sitting down. I walked over. It was Sasuke. He was alone.

“Sasuke?” I murmured, I sat next to him. He turned to look at me, his clothes were bloody. I gasped.

“I-..I-I killed him...I killed Itachi.” he let out a groan, falling to the side. I caught him, his head was on my chest, his hand weakly grasping mine.

The love I had for him long ago came back to me.

“Sasuke...” I whispered, tears rolling down my cheeks. I held him close. “I’ll get help-“

“GET OFF OF HIM!” I looked up to see Karin, Suigetsu, and Juugo. Karin was pissed. She looked at Suigetsu and Juugo. “She’s trying to hurt him.” she seethed.

I gently set Sasuke to the side, scowling at the trio.

“Try me.” I scowled.

Karin had surely convinced him, I made two clones. One for each, myself for Karin. I was going to give her a beat down. 

“Summoning Jutsu!” I threw my hand onto the ground, a giant wolf appearing. I had learned how to summon a wolf. My wolf’s name was Akemi, she was a pure white with light pink eyes. She was a little taller than Jiraya’s frog.

Akemi growled, going for Juugo, since he was the craziest. My clone controlled Akemi.

I summoned Bikou, who turned into the same size as Akemi as Shadow. Akemi and Shadow grinned at each other, it was their first time meeting, but they knew how to work together. Akemi was once a human, as well.

Shadow growled at Suigetsu, my clone controlled him.

“Water Style: Exploding Water Shockwave!” Kisame had taught me his signature move, I’d thank him later. Water poured out of my mouth, creating a large body of water. It engulfed Karin, I swam in the water, taking Sasuke’s sword. I hit Karin in multiple directions, hitting her with the sword like Kisame would with his shredding sword.

I hit all of Karin’s weak spots, she wasn’t much of a fighter anyways.

All the water poured back in the lake, Karin’s knees were shaking. She was holding her sides, wincing.

I would take pity on Juugo and Suigetsu, and kill Karin.

“Eat this.” I growled, punching her in the face, she stumbled back and groaned.

She tried hitting me, I dodged her attack, grabbed her head and snapped her neck. She collapsed on the floor. 

“Shadow, Akemi. Back down!” I commanded, they both looked at me. Their targets were nearing death on the floor, Akemi had cuts and blood spots all over her. Juugo was too strong, I was surprised she beat him.

Shadow went over to Akemi, turning into a human.

Akemi did as well, I knew she could. I had taught her to. Bikou held Akemi in his arms.

“Let’s go to the hospital.” Bikou said, I picked up Sasuke.

“Okay.” I agreed, nodding. I held Sasuke close to me.

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