25: Romantic Night

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Author's note. I wrote this when I myself was 13 or 14. Eight years ago. Yes, they're young. Too young. But this takes place in Japan, in Japan the consent age is 13 as long as it's with someone who isn't over 18 since there's the Children Welfare Act. There's a lot of rulings to consent being so young, but it's accepted no matter what with parental approval, in this case neither of them have parents (correct me if I'm wrong, PLEASE). Also, they're ninjas, ninjas don't always live long, so under both of those circumstances I decided to write it this way. I understand your concern. When I wrote this I wrote it this way for a reason. I'll eventually come back to it and rewrite it but keep in mind that I wrote this eight years ago. I have since revised this. When I was this age, I thought that behavior was okay since I was sexually assaulted in this type of way. No always means no, I didn't have anyone tell me that women didn't need an excuse to say no until I was older and realized how rape culture is such a terrible concept. Consent is always, always needed. For those of you who didn't read this before revision, it was previously written that Sasuke came off as pushy and urged OFC to change her mind.
"Tanji loved the stars." I said.

Sasuke looked over at me. Then, back up at the stars.

"You're lucky your siblings weren't crazy." he stated, I wiggled closer to him.

"They were, just not in the way you're saying." I said, I knew exactly what he meant. His brother killed his clan, I saw it as a different level of crazy.

"How were they crazy?" Sasuke asked me.

"Elretta thought it was funny to jump off the roof." I said. "As an everyday stunt."

"Well, it is."

"A five story roof."

"It's easy if you have chakra control."

"She didn't use chakra."

He didn't reply, I knew what he thought though.

"Crazy." he finally said. I knew he had an extra thought but I didn't push him to say it.

"Yes, I know." I sighed. I reached over and held his hand, he squeezed it comfortingly. "Have you had a girlfriend besides me?" I asked.

He scoffed. "When I was, like, seven. I haven't cared for relationships until now." he admitted.

"Yeah, you're my first boyfriend." I sighed.

"How cute." he teased, I laughed.

"Oh come on, I focused only on training." I blushed.

"That didn't stop the girls from going after me." Sasuke shrugged.

"I threatened the guys who try to flirt with me."

"Isn't that a little much?"

"They raided my clothes drawers."

"Oh." Sasuke frowned.

"Weird, huh?" I asked. He nodded.

I saw a shooting star in the sky and pointed at it.

"Look, a shooting star!" I said, excitedly. "Make a wish."

Sasuke smiled. I loved it when he smiled, he did so rarely. I wished for nothing, I had everything I wanted right now. It was lovely.

He started kissing me, I kissed back. His tongue licked my bottom lip, shocking me. We never kissed like this before. I knew how to, but I never did. I opened my mouth a little, his tongue slid in and rubbed against mine. I held back a giggle, it tickled. Our tongues fought for dominance until his won, then he explored my mouth. He pulled away and put his lips on my neck, making my eyes widen. His hands roamed my hips, then towards my chest.

I shoved him off gently, my eyes wide.

"Were you trying to-"

"Yes." he said, his face was surprised. "It isn't bad if we do this. It's normal for our age."

"You sound like my brother! It isn't." I groaned.

"Scared?" Sasuke asked, frowning slightly. "We don't have to."

"No!" I said, shaking my head.

"Are you so sure?"he asked.

"We just got together a month ago(time skipped)." I stated. "But...Yes." He nodded.

"Do you trust me?"

"I do!" I said, but did I?

"I won't hurt you. I'm just like you." Sasuke spoke.

"You can....Take me...." I said, I felt extremely awkward.

"Well, now I don't want to force you. I can wait."

"No..." I spoke, leaning in. "I want you."

Without another second to spare, his lips crashed onto mine. He took me to his apartment for the night.

I woke up at one o'clock in the morning, I put my head in my hands. I can't believe I let him.

"You don't regret anything, do you?" Sasuke asked sitting up.

Now that I thought about it, I only didn't like it because I felt like a whore. But now that I think of it, what my brother and Sasuke was saying was right. We have limited lives as ninjas, we're not like the people who can live their whole lives without fear of having to risk your life to a fight. They can wait, since they know they'll get older. We have to live our life to the fullest. I smiled at Sasuke.

"No." I said, then I added something. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby." he said, pulling me close. I snuggled into his warm embrace. He was amazing once he had a chance to love.

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