57: Think

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I walked into the forest, which I loved doing. I walked up to a berry bush and examined the berries. They weren’t poisonous. I grabbed a handful and sat down, about to eat a berry.

“Stop.” I heard, making my senses pick up instantly. Who was that?

“Who are you?” I asked, setting the berries down, my hand slowly moving to my ninja pouch. If I had turned on my Kooriamgan, I would start a fight. I didn’t know if this person wanted to fight, anyways.

“Those are poisonous.” the voice replied. I recognized the voice as a woman’s. The first one was a male’s.

“Come out. Let me see you.” I demanded, after a moment two ninjas came down.

I remembered them. They were the ones who had saved me after the Chunin exams.

My eyes softened. I had no reason to hurt them, they had saved me after all.

“Who are you?” I asked, then stood up. I crossed my arms.

The two figures looked at each other. The girl through a kunai at me, I dodged in shock.

“Why did you-“ I was cut off by a scream. I turned and saw a ninja on the floor behind me. A rogue ninja, he had a kunai in one hand and the kunai that was thrown in his heart. Perfect shot. I was too shocked to speak. I turned to look at them, eyes now burning with curiosity.

“We just wanted to tell you that more Mayuko’s are alive.” The girl answered, then left with the boy before I could answer.

I was quiet for a moment, then collapsed on the floor. That news hit me hard, who could possibly still be alive?

I checked the scene of the crime, I checked the whole Star village. There couldn’t be anymore. 

I started walking to the exit of the village, I was going out for a couple of days. My own little adventure. I wanted to get out for a while, just a day or two.

“Where are you going?”

I turned to see Lady Tsunade.

“I’m leaving for a few days.” I answered.

“Not without your team you don’t.” she answered.

I realized she still did not trust me to leave on my own. I bit my lip.

“Okay, they can come if they want.” I sighed. I heard the sound of shoes on the ground, and looked up to see my teammates were there. “You came with them.” I stated, then sighed.

“Here.” Sasuke said, throwing me a backpack.

“You went in my house?” I asked, incredulous.

“No, I got Bikou to get this ready.” Sasuke replied.

I bet Bikou probably gave him a piece of his mind when Sasuke was there, since Sasuke looked so pissed off. I chuckled then nodded.

“Let’s leave.” I said, leading the way. My team members chatted while I thought about those two ninjas. What were their purpose? I just merely bit my lip and turned to look at Kakashi.

“Hey, do you know a lot of ninjas?” I asked. He nodded.

“Yes, why?” he asked, a little curious.

“Well....” I explained to him what happened after the chunin exams, then what happened before with those two ninjas this morning.

“They are probably just trying to protect you for some reason, maybe they know you.” he replied.

“Then they’d show their face and explain themselves.” I replied.

“Well, they seem like they want to make sure you don’t accidentally kill yourself then.” Kakashi answered. I let out a laugh.

“Well I am not that clumsy. I just have a lot of stuff on my mind.” I shrugged, Kakashi looked down.

“I know how you feel.” Kakashi muttered, which made me wonder. What has he been through?

I realized I had slowed down, and I was walking right next to Sasuke.

“I’m sorry.” I said to him, I felt like I was going to cry. I held it all in. I probably had ruined his life somehow, I couldn’t think of how but there had to be a reason why he hated me so badly.

He was silent, I thought he wouldn’t reply, but when I turned to him, his eyes were soft. He was looking at the floor, he put his hands on his pants, like the action of putting your hands in your pockets, but then his hands fell to his sides. He had forgotten he didn’t wear shorts anymore, he usually would put his hands in his pockets when he was thinking. That was something I had noticed about him when we were younger.

Instead, he crossed his arms and sighed.

“You didn’t do anything.” he replied, surprising me.

“Are you sure?” I asked, letting out a sigh.

“I’m sure.”

I kept silent, I knew words would only make this situation worse. I remember this from the past experiences I had with him. I just bit my tongue and didn’t reply.

“Where are we going?” Kakashi asked.

“We’re just walking for a couple of days, all I wanted to do was think.” I said, my voice soft. I was hurt still.

“If we’re walking around, can we walk in towns so we can stop at motels?” Sakura asked, I nodded.

“Of course, I had no specific destination.” I replied.

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