I Never Hate You

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Naina Sameer left to go back to their room leaving all in daze on Sameer's behavior and loving attitude towards Naina... knowing Sameer's arrogant nature no one was expecting him to be so polite and humble towards her... their eyes trailed them till they go into elevator and door close.... Vishakha over-whelmed seeing Karthik being so gentle and offering Kamya to drop till home as it was already too late...

There was a pin drop silence in elevator... Naina's mind was totally blank with whatever going on around... reaching to their room, Naina turned to go washroom when Sameer asked breaking the silence, "hope, now you got some sense, or you still want to trust your friend... blindly..." he asked in a sarcastic tone...

Naina stood still.... soon getting meaning of his word she asked surprisingly, "so you did all this purposely... right... it was all your drama..." she steps close to him asking... she was touched with his behavior few minutes back but feel sad knowing he was doing this all just to show-off...

Sameer got speechless on her question... he was genuinely concern for her and trying to support her in front of all seeing her gloomy face... she was upset seeing all chatting with Kamya and considering herself as an outsider... at that moment he feels like to protect her getting hurt and wants to show the reality of her friend... whatever he does was purely genuine, not drama... but again she is doubting back on him only...

Sameer changing his expressions, laughed sarcastically, "so... what do you think...? You don't have any sense and vision to see people's reality... I was just trying to help you, nothing else... at least you should be thankful to me... you know one thing I hate cheaters and your friend is not so different.... thankfully I am not an emotional fool like you..." he chuckled mockingly...

Naina's eye brimmed with tears realizing what all he did was just to show-off... to make others believe that they are in good relation... taking a deep breath, she clenched her fist angrily saying, "Mr Maheshwari, don't instigate me against my friend... she is the only one who trust me... who loves me truly... and with these cheap tricks you cannot change my trust on her... I may be not as smart as you, but I know how to manage my relations and whom to trust...." she said in a serious tone with full of trust on her best friend...

Sameer narrowed his eyes suspiciously, "are you so sure about her intentions that she is not trying to come close to me... is she not trying to take your place in this house... then let's have a bet..." his voice was calm and firm with a confident look on his face making her scared more...

Naina looked him strangely but composed herself and replied confidently, "I don't believe you at all... so no need for this bet... I trust her and no one can break it... at least not you Mr Maheshwari..." she said lowering her eyelids to hide the emotions in her eyes that how much she is feeling hurt...

Sameer chuckled mockingly said, "than fine... let her keep trying... and trust me next time I will surely welcome her if she comes to me... then only you realize who is wrong... idiot..." seeing her adamancy to not to use her brain and see the reality in front of her, he warned her... she is still living in her dream world and doesn't want to face the truth....

Naina giving an irritating look to him turned around and walked out in balcony... she feels suffocated around him and wants to be alone for some time... the more she is trying to come out from her problems, the more she is getting into it...

Kamya is the only one in entire world, whom she can rely blindly... nevertheless she was hurt by her today's behavior... still she doesn't have any doubts on her but can't keep her eyes and mind close seeing what all happened today...

Sameer remain seated there seeing the disappointed look on her face... he felt his heart ached seeing her in pain... he tried hard to show her the reality of Kamya, but she is blindly trusting on her... she is too innocent to understand the true face of outer world and even doesn't want to face the reality... he felt strangely worried for her...

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