Dreamon Tommy{Part One?}

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(TW:Swearing,gory imagery,mentions of murder plots)

Tommy opened his eyes and felt weird.this didn't happen often,but as Tommy stared at the ceiling of his dirt home,he wondered why he wanted to rip anyone that tried to talk to him throats out.he wasn't not in the mood to socialise like normal,yet he was.i mean,obviously,who says they're going to rip anyone who dares to talk to him's throat and not want to give up on socialising.

But when Tommy didn't feel like socialising,he'd just sleep all day.and then,it hit him.in a tidal wave of Memories,he remembered exactly why this was happening.

Tommy was no normal teen.been through seven wars,exiled twice,how attempts on his life?he'd never really bothered to count.and yet this,this one thing would set Tommy off.

You see,Tommy was a hidden dreamon.he'd heard what'd happened in tubbo's and fundy's adventure with a dreamon,and how they used methods that...well,they weren't that bad to most,but to Tommy it was horrible.he couldn't let the entire smp know he was a dreamon,what would he do?

They could exile him again,or try to kill him again,or something like that.bit Tommy wasn't worried about that,no he was worried about how  his relationship with tubbo would be after he found out.after all,what if tubbo joined the people who hated him?(which,Tommy would like to add,is basically the entire server save for some)But Tommy was too tired to think about it.

Dreamon's have this time,once every two years,where their horns grow in and tails.tommy's "time" was meant to happen two years ago.but now,finally,it was his time.and though he was excited to see what type of horns he'd get,he was not enjoying the fact the others would find out soon.

"It'll be fine,"he told himself,"I'll just say I'm feeling ill and-"Tommy's thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.gulping,he used his(alright)stealth and went to see who it was.and,standing right outside his door,was tubbo.but not just tubbo.ranboo and wilbur were there.

Tommy panicked,they couldn't see him like this!as quickly and as quietly as he could.a few knocks again,this time wilbur made them.once in his bedroom,Tommy thought over his options.

He'd thought he had more time,but clearly not,as his door was busted open."clearly,wilbur doesn't enjoy being kept waiting."tommy thought,sliding under his bed covers and pretending to be asleep.tommy hoped they took the hint that he was sleeping and should be left alone,but it seems the universe always wanted to plot against him.

Tubbo jumped on him,yelling "get up big man!" And Tommy felt rage build.he didn't enjoy the fact he was now trapped underneath tubbo,and if he didn't get off soon he would begin to feel very claustrophobic,so he threw tubbo off of himself,sitting up and snarling a "what."at them.

A/N:hello!I'm sorry to leave that part there,but if you really want a part two to it I can make one?also,sorry this is such a small part I was running out of ideas.ive only just woken up properly,so.anyway,please take care of yourself,have a great day/night if you haven't already and I'll see you next upload!

I would just like to point out as well that this was requested by hafuyu(sorry if that's spelt wrong),so thank you for the idea!

Word count:
598 words!

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