A Regular Friday

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Tommy sighed, he was on his way to the shop at six in the afternoon because he'd slept in. Very late, may he add.

Opening a shop's door, he walks in and hums the tune 'able sisters'. what can he say, it's a master piece.

He peruses the shelves, searching for that one item he saw here last time. Ah, there it was!

A ten pack of cake flavoured cereal bars, his favourites.

The shop was still eerily silent, but Tommy supposed not many people were shopping this late.

As he made his way to the till, the man behind it gave him a dirty look, so of course Tommy was pissed off. "What?have a staring problem?" He asks snarkily, and the cashier seems to back off.

After paying for the chocolate, Tommy left. making his way back to his house, he stores the chocolate away in his pocket.

Once he's in his house, Tommy collapsed on his couch. He switched on the TV, taking his chocolate bar out of his pocket.

"Good evening l'manburg, today we being shocking news. Top three heroes blade, philza and willow have all declared they are in search of a vigilante with curly blonde hair, blue eyes, and a red and white jumper. If you see this vigilante, you have been asked to turn him in to those three."

Tommy's eyes widened. Now it was going to be so fucking difficult to get food. Guess he'd just resort to noodles then, eh?

Sighing, he stood up and made his way to the kitchen which you could see from the living room. Clementine, the sweetest thing, lands on the kitchen side and watches him curiously as he takes out a pot noodle, and puts it in the microwave, waiting.

This is where he notices his daughter, Clementine, is watching him. Clementine isn't small by any means, but she is no where near as big as shroud. Walking over, he gently pets the moth's head, who leans into the touch.

The microwave dings, signalling his noodles were ready. He pulls away from Clementine, who flies back to her and shrouds room, doing who knows what. Most likely scheming some pog plot.

It wasn't Tommy's business anyway.

Settling on the couch again, he switches the channel, but then a broadcast comes on. Live.

Tommy tries to switch channels, but no matter which channel he went to, they all had the broadcast.

It was Philza, blade and willow.

"I know you're watching this, vigilante who escaped us. You won't escape now. A shop owner gave us proof you were in the shop, it's only a matter of time before we find you." The blade says, and philza speaks up.

"We will know if you enter shops, or walk the streets, or even scale roofs. You can't do anything but hand yourself over." He said, and then finally willow speaks. "We believe we know your current hide out. You have four hours. Turn yourself in to us, or we'll find you ourselves."

Tommy rolled his eyes, turning off the TV as he got dressed. Shroud and Clementine looked at him knowingly. "It's not my fault, if they find me here you guys are in danger. I'll be no longer than a week." He said, petting shroud and Clementine who nuzzled into his hands.

He waved goodbye, leaving the room and opening the sliding door onto his balcony. Closing it behind him, Tommy hopped off into the night. All the lights in his home were off, making it seem it was long abandoned.

Making it to a new, more abondoned building, he took in that the sky was dark. It was around seven by now, he had until eleven to 'turn himself in'.

Well, I suppose it was good that he had his own broadcast then. He began setting up.

Once he was sure he was being broadcasted live, he began.

"I have no fucking idea if this is working, but here goes nothing." He spoke, before switching a light on. He was fully disguised, so there was no way they could tell who he was.

"This is to the heroes who asked me to turn myself in. I think you already know, but my answer is a permanent no. I'm sorry, i wasn't aware pointing out willow's power was broken was a sensitive topic, but who else would've told him?" He asked, outstretching his arms.

"However, since I know you'll all be angry, I have decided I'll be nice. If you can find me within the next six hours, I'll come with you without a struggle. However, if you fail... You have to wait until my next broadcast for the new challenge." He laughed, and the light went out.

He then cut the broadcasting, and sighed. Guess he'd be on the run for a while, huh?


A/N:hey! Hope you liked this newer part. I enjoy the idea of the SMP being heroes, while Tommy is the only vigilante of them all.

However, this doesn't mean he is the only villain! There are more, but haven't been introduced yet.

(Ps, I hope this was to your liking sharkythewerido!)


Word count:
866 words!

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