Happy Birthday,Dream..!

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(Tw:angst,violence,crying,sadness and swearing)

{A/N:I'm sorry if this sucks,I can't write angst to save my life.i'll give it my best go,though!}

Third person POV:

Dream sat on his own,like always.he looked at his clock,as usual.no visitors,no hello,nothing but the lava bubbling and crackling close to him and the tick tick ticking of the clock.he was bored,but what could he do?he layed on his back,staring at the ceiling.well,the obsidian roofing of his cell.

He knew that he could get out easily,the prison wasn't that "foolproof" as everyone thought.he'd mapped escape routes,exits and makeshift exits,even broke out pretending to be a prisoner.now he had technoblade,but would he help?he was treating the whole thing like a fucking holiday!

Sighing,dream stood.he looked over to where his cellmate was sleeping soundly.he'd better ask.no time to escape than the present.

---(Dream's POV)---

I walk over to techno,and look at his sleeping face.this must be the first proper rest he's gotten in a while,but I'm gonna have to break it.let's hope he doesn't kill me."techno!"I yell in is ear,"Phil's being attacked by a baby zombie!"honestly,I've never seen techno stand as quick as he did,ever."where?!"he yelled,and I pay his shoulder.

"We're escaping.if you're up for it?"I say,when he turns to look at me."what?no!"he says,and shoves me to the floor.i panic,and see quackity raising his weapon again."w-wait,please,q-quackity,i-"I stammer out,but quackity lowers his weapon at alarming speed,and I move back as fast as I can.my back hits the wall.

"Quackity,no,I'm sorry,I'm sorry!please don't hurt me!"I yell,raising my hands as he approaches me again,and I dare not look,and merely wait for the pain of his axe to collide with my hands,or legs,or face.but it doesn't come,and I stay shaking until a soft yet firm and deep voice speaks to me."..dream..?"I recognise the voice at once to belong to technoblade,my cellmate.

Oh,yes,i was asking if he wanted to escape with me.well,this is embarrassing.i lower my hands,looking at techno questioningly."yes?"I say,acting like I'm fine.i see the raw anger that lays just under the surface as I stare techno down,his eyes giving away exactly what was going on."what did quackity do?"he asks,and I sigh."he's after the book of revival.like how I revived Wilbur,and Tommy."I say,and look away for a moment as I reflect on it."tell me everything"he says,and I nod."sure."I say,before beginning.

Quackity came into my cell,and I smile.a new visitor!and such a fun one,too."hello,quackity."I say,and he snarls."shut up."is all he says,before smiling."so,you can revive people?"he asks."yes,did you hear?how did people react?"I say,asking to many questions at once.quackity answers none and continues."I need that to revive...someone."he says,and my smile widens so largely it really does seem like I've gone insane.

"Perfect,perfect.so,you'll get me out of here and I'll revive-"I begin,but quackity cuts me off."no,no.im not going to do that,actually."he says,and shoves me backwards.i raise an eyebrow,but he continues before I can ask."you are going to give me the knowledge of revival."he says,smiling widely and stretching his arms out.my smile drops.

It's the same routine,quackity comes in,asks for the knowledge of revival which I refuse and he beats me,his axe carving its way through me and I yell out as the thickred blood gushes out of my arm where he hit.he keeps asking,and i keep denying him.his axe hits me in the face and the last thing I feel before passing out was the red blood flowing like a river down my face,cascading from the new cut and not slowing.

All the while not knowing I don't know how revival works.that much I owe to dreamXD,who revives others for me.


"He..he tortured you?"techno asks,voice wavering slightly but not much.if he knew he did it,he didn't comment on it."yeah,he does"I say,shrugging."Sam has to come clean up cuts,keep my alive y'know?sometimes,I can hear his saying he was sorry and that even though I was terrible no one deserves it."I say,glancing at the lava behind techno.

Techno gripped my shoulders,staring me in the eyes as I merely watched the lava behind him.for a moment,I thought I saw sapnap,stretching out his hand to being me along with George who was just up ahead and they both smiled at me.i smile back,and techno's face contorts into a frown,looking back at sapnap and George."what are you looking at?"he asks,and suddenly their gone.

My heart wrenches as I realise how much I threw away that day,all the way back before Tommy's exile.was then the time we fell apart,or even further before that?I don't know,but I do know that I sure as hell miss them."sorry,I hallucinate a lot.i see people that aren't there."I say,and look techno in the eyes.

"So,not escaping today?"he asks,sitting next to me.he sighs,and I smile softly.this almost feels homely.nice,and warm like sapnap's hugs.i chuckle,and shake my head.techno seems to be entertained,and looks at me before pushing me over slightly."I'm waiting in your answer,hurry up."he says,and he chuckles as well."not today,old friend,not today."I say,and even though I'm sad and lonely and don't have friends,I have technoblade.

And y'know what,technoblade is fucking awesome.i can tell we'll do great in this cell together,even though he wished for a fucking bell when we could've wished to escape."hey,I don't do this for many people,but uh..if quackity comes and tries some shit,we'll jump him and take his stuff."techno says,and we first bump."wait,isn't it your birthday today?"he asks,and I nod,laughing.he apologizes for not having shift,but I say that him helping me escape is the best birthday present I could ask for.

and for the rest of the day we crack jokes and talk like friends.

Yeah,I think to myself,techno's cool.

A/N:I'm sorry that was so shit,I can't write angst and if I try I will cry.i came close to crying while writing that,I felt terrible.

So,uh,sorry this was shit?again,not good at angst,but I'm gonna try a lot harder to write some angst to make it easier.

Bye!(suggestions on an angst fic?I need someone to wrote angst on,I haven't got a clue who)

Word count:
1178 words!

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