Dreamon Tommy

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{Tw:swearing,mentions of death}

Tubbo sat on the floor,shocked.he'd just been thrown off a bed,and it hurt.not emotionally,of course,but physically.

----(time skip!)----

It had been a week.a fucking week.a week since what,I hear you ask.well,it had been a week since that little..incident with tubbo,and the server had become more weary of Tommy,even tubbo.

Tommy knew why,he wasn't as dumb as people thought.the others suspected Tommy as something else.a threat,or nothing at all,he didn't know.he did know,however,that he hadn't left his home in that week.the one time he did,it was eerily quiet,as though no one lived or inhabited the place.the truth was,when Tommy went outside,everyone went in.

Everyone stayed in their house until Tommy left.it hurt Tommy more that not even puffy,who Tommy had grown to adore for her kindness(but would never tell her),hadn't spoke to him,either.

Yet,even though no one would approach him,he still fretted over his very existence.he was hungry,having ran out of food a day or three ago.

Tommy remembers when he last ventured outside was,before he hid in his house.

He'd went to tubbo's house in snowchester,too cold for his liking.knocking,he got no answer.but Tommy hadn't traveled this far,and made himself cold for tubbo not to answer when Tommy knew he was home."tubbo!tubbo!let me in,I'm freezing out here!"Tommy yelled,still nothing."oh,come on big man!I'm gonna catch my death out here if you don't open the door!"he yelled,cupping his hands to his mouth,using them as a makeshift mega-phone.still,nothing.

"B-big man?please,I'm really cold and no one's spoke to me all D-day!"Tommy yelling louder over the slight wind,and he hoped he was stuttering because he was cold,not because he was sad.he didn't like being sad.nothing from inside."o-ok,talk to you later tubso!"he said,walking away.

Tommy kinda got the hint after that.no one wanted to hang out,or talk,to a threat they knew nothing about.what's worse,was he hadn't seen wilbur since the incident either.so,Tommy picked up the courage to go outside.

Standing from where he sat,he snuck toward his door.there,up on a hook,was his beloved coat.well,it was technically Wilbur's,but Tommy made it look better and newer.he took it,putting it on,before sneaking to shrouds room.tommy couldn't be too sad,as he had shroud for company,and shroud looked very happy for the extra time with Tommy.

"I'll be back soon,shroud.promise.i just have to get us food and some other things ok?"he said,an hugged shroud.shroud gave him an adorable rawr,and Tommy laughed,scratching the top of shrouds head affectionately.then,he stood and stealthy snuck to his door,opening it quietly.

Seeing people,he made sure they couldn't see him.then,gaining courage,he ran down the steps in the direction of the community House,waving and yelling a "hello!"to them.the group(namely jack,Niki,puffy and Sam),looked at Tommy alarmed as he caught up with them.tommy laughed."I get I scared you,but there's no need to look that scared.tommy said,the group of four nodding and acting not scared.

"So,you guys goin' somewhere?"Tommy said,and they shook their heads collectively."oh,ok.well,I'm off to techno and Phil's,so-"Tommy began,but jack and Niki yelled "no!".Tommy blinked a few times,before turning to them.they shrunk back,as though fearing Tommy would jump at them."why not,I need stuff.they have like,the most stuff apart from-"Tommy said,before looking suprised and yelling "RANBOO!"

The four jumped,before Tommy yelled out "sorry guys gotta go nice talk!"before running off,back up the prime path and back up the stairs.the four standing glanced at each other before running to their homes.hwoever,Tommy was still running.tommy had a plan.

And he would be damned if he was shut out again.

A/N:hello!I hope this sufficed as a part two(as requested by hafuyu)this was fun to make,and I have to publish this quickly,before I get yelled at for having my phone at dinner.

Have a great day/night if you haven't already and take care of yourself,I'll see you next upload!

Word count:
741 words!

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