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{TW:mentions of drowning,self unaliving,swearing}

So,Tommy's exile had been going on for.....a while(Tommy would never admit he lost count)and Tommy had noticed his teeth were sharper.and,even though dream was his friend,he could barely resist the urge to sink his teeth into dream's arm.

It wasn't his fault!he was a big man that needed to bite something!he took a deep breath,and stood up.he'd been laying on his bed and thinking about it all,but he really needed to get up.dream would be here soon,he needed to look sharp.and look sharp he would.

His fraying and tattered clothes worn and graying,his bright blue eyes growing duller and greyer with each passing day that he stayed in exile,and Tommy was tired.but he refused to let dream and his stupid exile get to him.he had to keep going,he would love to see another sunny day,he had vowed that when wilbur was forever out of his life.

Tommy was determined,the fire and raging belief that he could overcome this.he would.but the pain of being exiled snd no one visiting always seemed to lurk,coming to snatch him back to sadness.his dreams ended the same,and when he awoke he found himself gasping for air,but only the salty water crashing into his lungs made it through,Tommy kicking against the current,desperate to breath air,to live.

Tommy also vowed that if he woke up in the salty ocean again,he'd be meeting his older brother much sooner than pre-exile Tommy would have liked.tommy sighed,now was not the time to think like that.he had a visitor soon,and he had to make sure dream would leave him alone longer than a day.

But he didn't have a plan.prime,he wasn't sure how to get dream to leave him alone for that long,let alone the plan to get him to!So,Tommy had time.yet,he couldn't just up and disappear,it would look suspicious.tommy sighed,he'd have to play dumb again.he'd have to act like he was dependent on dream again,and then wait till he left to begin his scheming.

He just hoped this worked.


A/N:hello.sorry this is so short,I just wanted to get this out before I go to sleep.im sorry this was total shit,I can write another part after I finish the part I'm currently working on.

Please take care of yourself,and I'll see you next upload!

Word count:
422 words!

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