Bioshock Au

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Third person POV:

Tommyinnit wasn't normal,guaranteed he'd try and Pass it off as being "awesome".but there was more than meets the eye.hidden away,tommy has a deep secret he was scared people would find out about.You see,there was this...incident that happened,many years ago.he was taken from his home during night,dragged to an underwater city called 'rapture' and made into a monster that protected evil children nicknamed 'little sisters'.

He was this horrific machine thing that's only goal in life was protect the little sisters.the little sisters looked up to him and others like him as though he was their father.he managed to break free and escape,but the primal instinct to protect others like they were his life line even when he hated them was still was why,many years after,he returned to wilbur's side despite being bat shit crazy and manipulating him.

The plasmids he had so much of never ran out,so he never had to re-stock,but he still never used them.too dangerous.he forced himself to return to the present,where he was sorting his chests out.he was wearing a red hoodie,one of the strings fraying a little and his signature khaki shorts,when he heard a high pitched was a sunny day,and Tommy had allowed shroud to go play with micheal.he was nervous,the idea of leaving his kid mixed with all that time protecting the little sisters telling him it wasn't a good idea.

Regardless,he let shroud play with the promise he would scream if he was in danger.shroid agreed,and went out to here he was,bounding outside at terrific speed as his mind chanted 'protect' and 'kill the threat'.he saw shroud and Micheal on the field,backing away from wilbur.wilbur had his hands up,and what looked like the SMP behind him just arriving.guess they heard the scream too.tommy hopped down,running over to where shroud and Micheal sat,and skidding to a stop just Infront of them.

Shroud looked happy to see him,Micheal couldn't see him as he had his face buried in shrouds jumper,but Tommy could tell he was glad to see him with the shy smile Tommy could see just barely.focusing on Wilbur,he growled."toms,please it's me,your-"he began,stepping closer.that was the snapping point for Tommy,who shot out electricity to stop Wilbur,who jumped out of the way just in time.he back up,and Tommy crouched.shroud,who understood what what Tommy was trying to say,tapped Micheal on the shoulder and they climbed onto his back.

Tommy's eyes,red and still trained on Wilbur,began to move in the direction shroud had mentioned as if he was being controlled.he passed tubbo and ranboo,motioning him to follow them.once out of the clearing,Tommy's eyes turned back to baby blue.he placed Micheal down,who ran to his parents.shroud peaked from behind Tommy's shoulder,giving a small wave before talking to Tommy."dad,I'm tired.can we go home?"he asked,and Tommy nodded,walking in the direction of his house."anyone gonna ask him what the fuck that was?"jack said,appearing beside the bee duo.

Micheal piped up."shroud told me uncle Tommy was taken a few years ago,way before we met and he was taken in,and made into a monster to protect little girls uncle calls 'little sisters'.he managed to break free though,and go home."Micheal finsihed,and Phil's mouth was agape."when Tommy went missing for half a year...?"he said,his tone disbelieving.micheal shrugged,continuing."shroud says that's why he has's some big,fancy word and he doesn't have to recharge them,they just stay."Micheal says,shrugging and acting like he wasn't discussing the fact tommy possessed super human abilities like electricity.

The bee duo knew they would need to talk with Tommy about it,but would do it tomorrow.people went home,and the next morning while Micheal was still asleep they left with the intent to talk to Tommy about it.

Knocking on his door,tubbo waited patiently as ranboo's tail flicked nervously.the door opened to a tired Tommy,who merely opened the door for them to come appeared he knew what they were here for,as he made them tea and sat across from them on a stool."so...Micheal tells us you were tuned into a monster..."tubbo began,and ranboo drank some tea.tommy nodded,before explaining."I was...taken from my bed at night.put in a thing called a 'bathysphere' with two others who dragged me to an operating table.i was fourteen."he said,drinking some of his tea.

"What...happens after..?"ranboo asked,his gaze everywhere but Tommy."I was a thing nicknamed a 'big daddy'.my job was to protect little sisters,demon girls who took the blood from dead people they called 'angels'.i'll be the first to admit it wasn't bad,I was pretty good at killing people."Tommy said,shrugging."so,tell us more about this place you were dragged to."tubbo said,and ranboo shot him a look before hastily adding"if you want to,of course."Tommy shook his head,and finished his tea."it was called...rapture.ruled under the man Andrew Ryan."Tommy said,sighing and putting his cup down.

"Think underwater city,but it's an ocean and your at the sea bed,where no help is given and it's every man and woman for themself.bloodbath,that place was.the little sisters thought of others like me as their dads,which I have to say included me.except you got a designated little sister.or,of you found one without a big daddy,you would take care of them like they were your own."Tommy said,and shrugged."and the fancy power upgrades?"tubbo pushed,and Tommy looked suprised."Micheal told you about the plasmids?"he said,voice shocked.

"Plasmids?"ranboo asked,and Tommy let his hand light on fire before shutting it off abruptly."plasmids.they give you powers,like incinerate and electrify.however,when you first take one,it hurts like shit."Tommy shrugged as he said this,but cringed when he got to the part about it hurting."why does it hurt?"tubbo asked,turning his head to the side."it rewires your DNA,so it gets accustomed to it.after the first time,you don't get a shock."Tommy said,before standing after looking at the clock."I assume Micheal will be getting up soon,if he ain't guys should later?"he asked,and tubbo nodded,finishing his tea quickly.

After handing Tommy their cups,they waves before was superhuman?

A/N:woo!first part done,now for the second!I hope you liked this,I based it off of the bioshock's really old game,and I don't know if i was entirely correct about the little sister thing,but oh well.

I don't think many have seen bioshock,but I would reccomend it if you like underwater games with guns,powers and elaborate plot.i don't know,this just popped into my head of Tommy being so protective because of this and wrote it down.

Hope you enjoyed,let me know if I should add a warning and If you have further questions don't hesitate to ask!


Word count:
1229 words!

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