Dreamon Tommy

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{A/N:this is completely separate from the other parts I have made of dreamon Tommy,please do not think it's linked!}


Third person POV:

Tommy was comfortable with saying that yes,he was a dreamon,but no that did not make him evil or whatever the bullshit others spew.so,when he joined a new school where others were also hybrids of some sort,he didn't feel threatened.not at all.he was over six foot,was decent in strength,and could easily outwit anyone by making a few jokes and comments.

However,he was given a private space to enhance and harness his powers properly,or that's what tubbo said.oh,yeah!he should mention,he's got two best friends.tubbo's a ram,while ranboo's an enderman.using his soul fire was tiring if he overdid it,so he always kept a limit to how much he could do.but prime be damned does he look terrifying when he uses it against someone.

It's still blowing Tommy's mind that if anyone needs help or just anything,they come straight to the bench trio."bench trio" was what the others called their group,as their iconic brand was them all sitting at the bench,and it was true.them all sitting at the bench,and called beach trio,I mean.its not like the trio were heavily powerful,but they had so many favours off of people (the feral boys and tntduo mostly) they could use at anytime that they were powerful in that sense.

{A/N:can you tell I'm sleep deprived yet?also school AU pog?}

But that didn't mean they were lacking in it physically.prime,tubbo could lift ranboo up,and he was Ike eight feet tall.and I'm not talking about a little raise of the ground,I'm talking about holding him above his head and not breaking a sweat.he also gardens.tubbo could also do that with Tommy.so,need a heavylifternand a gardener?ask tubbo.ranboo does DJ work on the side of doing volleyball,plus can do boxing,so he's double the awesome.yeah,half of the favours from the feral boys was for ranboo to DJ for them at parties(at which the trio got VIP at.no one complained,they were too good).

{A/N:most of these I'm just making up,as you can tell by the boxer thing.idk,I'm tired and wanna make them seem cool}

So,here Tommy was,swishing his pointed tail at someone he don't like.namely,a random guy who was making fun of tubbo.i mean,it's guaranteed that tubbo would meet this guy,but he'd always ask through looks if it were okay to do.but as of right now,tubbo couldn't see either and therefore did nothing.tommy decided he'd attack this guy,the prick.he walked up to him,silently igniting a large yet not overexerting blue flame,tapping they guy in the shoulder who turned around with a snarky "what?" before backing up and away from the flame that almost burnt his face off.

"Leave tubbo the fuck alone,asshole"Tommy said,irritance shower by a death stare.he threatened they guy with the flame,this time making it bigger as it got closer to his face(or,more accurately,his eyes),who nodded and stood quickly,running like his life depended on it.it somewhat did.after making sure tubbo was okay and filling ranboo in,they went home to watch Luca and rest,having had a tough day.ranboo posted in the groupchat all of them were in they couldn't perform favours today as they were taking a break and they would definitely be able to do it tomorrow.

Tommy sat through that movie and ranboo's idea(which was to watch Barbie and the diamond castle until it was finally his turn where they watched deadpool.he felt his eys droop,and felt tiredness creep in.he must've told the beeduo he was going to sleep,because they stopped being so loud and spoke quieter.he felt the haze of sleep cover him,and fell asleep just as they were about to go up against the main bad guy.as Tommy began to fall asleep,he had one thought before he was whisked to Dreamland.

Yeah,my life's pretty okay.

And with that,he was asleep,leaving the beeduo to watch Barbie a fairy's secret.


A/N:I'm tired but refuse to sleep.so enjoy these very sleep deprived stories.for reference if you are not British or know the British times,it's currently 11:22 pm and I'm fucking tried but told myself to stay up.i also know I mentioned a lot of Barbie movies.is it concerning I really like three Barbie movies?(nope,sorry,like four or five)


Word count:
776 words!

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