Tommy Bow-dagenhart

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{Tw:mentions of blood,severed bodies,swearing,a load of mental trauma,derealization,hallucinations,creepy imagery,and gore.}

(A/N:I know that's a lot of warnings,but if you've seen or played Fran Bow or little misfortune,you know they are well needed.please tell me if I missed a warning that should be there,and I'll edit it in.)

Tommy's POV:

I see my family..aunt grace is there too!my parents have a present for's a cat!black as night..I will name you Mr.midnight!

It's Friday parents are going away..aunt grace is here.she's fun.

It's Monday night,and I'm playing with mr.midnight.but something feels real bad..there's a monster at the window!

I hear something loud,and high's she okay?I should go check,just in case.

I get closer to my parents bedroom.there's a light on in their bedroom.i go closer...

I open the door.



More blood.feet.a bloody knife.

Please don't..

Oh prime..

"Tommy!Tommy,on the count of three you'll wake up.ready?"




I open my eyes,and sit up.Dr.puffy is sitting in her chair,clipboard laying on her lap."Tommy,how are you?"she asked me softly."terrible,I want to go home."I say,pouting and crossing my arms."Tommy,you aren't well enough yet."she said,voice becoming slightly tinted with annoyance.

"But I'm fine,why can't I go home?!"I yell,but puffy shakes her head."I don't see why aunt grace can't take me home,I'm fine!"I yell crossing my arms and stare at puffy."Tommy,do not tell me how to do my job."the argument was put to rest.

"There is a package on the table for you,then you will try your new medicine."she said."new medicine?I don't need new medicine!no more,I'm fine!"I yell,but get off the relax sofa thing and go to the table.on it was-"my mother's purse!"I yell,and open it.

Inside was a note from aunt grace.

Dear Tommy,

I know how much you like to combine and examine things.i picked this up and thought of you.i do hope you'll put the things you find to good use.

Love you,
Aunt grace XXX

I smile,but then I hear puffy yell for the walks Niki,the main nurse that delivers my medicine."anything new Dr.puffy?"she asks,and i glance at the silver tray she's carrying.on it is red pills,carried in a small bottle."no,same visions as last time".they make small talk for a few moments,but then seem to focus on me again.

"Tommy,these pills are called duotine.they are your new medication."she says,and I walk over to them.grabbing the bottle and taking two,the room changes.blood splatters the walls,the chair I was laying on Torn,the exit door gone,and then the livers and heads and my parents dismembered body parts began falling.

I panic,and black out.


A/N:not sure of people have seen Fran bow or little misfortune,but while they're dark they're cool as well.story wise,anyways.not the trauma.

Take care of yourself,have a great day/night if you haven't already and I'll see you next update!

Word count:
550 words!

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