Among The Sleep Au

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{A/N:If I'm honest,this was just inspired by ranboo's among the sleep,uh,yeah?this,like the playthrough,won't be angsty and instead filled with enjoy,I guess}

Ranboo's POV:

I pick up the teddy,who I have decided to call ted,and sling him over my back."we need some place dark...maybe your closet?"ted says,his voice (as usual) soft."wow,I'm going to take a middle-aged bear into my closet with me,let's go!"I say,but it's more like I'm thinking it as no response meets my statement.i walk-nope,I've just fallen.who falls these days?I crawl to the closet,moving a box out of the way and opening the door using my telekinetic powers.

We go in,and ted speaks again."it has to be darker,close the door..."I sigh,closing the I close it,I say "I'm going to be in the dark with a creepy Teddy bear,this is surely not creepy.not at all".i laugh at my own joke,and stand in the darkness waiting for ted to talk.curse being a two year old,my mind's all messed.i begin to see things in the dark,and I reallyyyy don't like this now..."oh,it's very dark in here...if you ever get scared,you can hug me"ted says,and instinctively I grab him,hugging him tight.

He emits a soft golden glow,and I feel a little safer.until see the massive space behind me that most definitely was not there before."wow,I must've been born into wealth."I joke,trying to shake off the scared feeling I I walk further into the space,I pass many coats...I gulp,and inhale,calming myself slightly.i hear something moving and panic,hiding behind a cardboard box for a moment."I heard a monster,I heard a monster that's less good than I wanted.nah,nah it's fine.its fine" say,hugging ted tighter.i take another minute to compose myself before continuing on.

"Wow,this is like the plot of Narnia"I say,and again giggle at my joke."do you hear that...someone's coming."ted  said,and I was met by two doors.the doors opened,and I let out a little mum?"you need to stop running off,mister."she says,and gasps when she sees ted.she takes him,and makes a funny sentence I didn't pay attention to."mum,mum,there were monsters and my closet was massive-"i try and say,but she doesn't pay attention.i am picked up and I see there is no hole in the closet,like it was never there,and am taking and layed down in my cot.

Surely,this night would end badly.after all,

Who else's teddy bear talks?

A/N:sorry to leave this here,but I didn't know how to narrate the rest of the story so I can make a part two on this if it's well liked,so yeah.

Bye,thank you for reading!

Word count:
508 words!

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