Heavy Sleeper

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George was always sleeping, but it wasn't his fault! He just- he just happened to do so, okay? It was at really bad times, and he couldn't control it, so why he gets yelled at he doesn't know.

What he does know, however, is that he often sleeps for days or weeks, depending how long he fights the sleep off for. He'd never slept as long as a month, however. He isn't sure if he wants to know if he can.

It was surprising, but Fundy seemed to be the only one who truly got this fact. So, more often than not, Fundy would drop by, or when George was awake, say he dropped by. Since George could sleep anywhere, and he wanted some company, George offered his other room in the house for Fundy, in case he wanted it.

And, occasionally, George will wake up when Fundy is gently shaking him awake, to eat the food he'd prepped.

Now, cut to around two months later, and George gets out of bed. He'd been sleeping for...oh, he'd been asleep for two days. Sighing, he made his way to his bedroom door when he heard fundy's panicked voice slightly muffled by the door. "No,leave me alone, I don't want to see you."

George flung open the door, rushing out. Sure, he was still in his pyjamas, but he had a netherite sword and shield at the ready. There, on the doorway, was Wilbur. "Wilbur...?" He asked, lowering his weapon and sheild.

However, when taking one look at fundy's frightened face, he sprung into action. Moment over.

"Wilbur, why are you here?" He asked, more stern. Wilbur looked at him and smiled. "George! My friend! Can't I see my son?" He asked, smug bastard.

"Well, you could, but your son seems distressed to see you." George said, stepping closer to Fundy. Fundy, in turn, stepped closer to George, not taking his eyes off the man in the doorway he once called father.

"Come on wil, just leave Fundy alone." George knew any minute something was going to happen, but he didn't know what. Fundy quickly walked the short distance to behind George, peering over his shoulder. "I mean it, wil. Don't make me hurt you."

"George, that is so cruel, I haven't done anything. Besides," Wilbur said, taking one step into the home, "aren't you supposed to be asleep?" There was no denying the malice in his voice.

This made Fundy speak up, which George jumped at slightly. Really, you can't blame him, Fundy hadn't spoken a word during George and wilbur's little stand off.

"You can't say shit, old man. You left me for so long, and now you come back? Family's don't work like that. Don't insult George when you're just as bad." Fundy stopped speaking, but rested a hand on George's shoulder.

George smiled at him, before turning back to look at Wilbur, who stood motionless in the doorway. "Fine, I just wanted to come and apologize so we could bond like father and son, but I get it. I'll leave." Wilbur then turned around, leaving.

George and Fundy stood, shocked. Then, the wind blowing from the outside shook George out of his trance, rushing to the door and closing it quickly.

"You okay?" Has asked before mentally scolding himself. Of course he wasn't okay, he supposedly dead father who manipulated people and blew up a nation had just visited. "Yeah, better than I was. Guess I really needed that."

"Hey, you sit down and I'll make some tea okay?" George said, and Fundy nodded. George walked to the kitchen, prepping the kettle. George sighed, he's really bad at helping people through emotional struggles, huh?

After making the tea, George settled into the couch where Fundy was sat, playing with his fingers which resided in his lap.

"Here." George said, handing him the tea. "Thank you." Fundy said.

And for the rest of the day, the two watched movies, cracked jokes and eventually slept their individual tiredness away.

A/N: felt like writing something different, so there may be a lot of these now. Not using the same characters, but just these types of stories.


Word count:
704 words!

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