Assassin Tommy

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Third person's POV:

There was a legend,a mere folk tale,that existed.though it was legend,all generations were told the story.this is how it goes:

There was an assasin from long ago,who traveled around the world disposing of the people they were sent to kill.

They hopped from one person to another,never settling with one.once their job was done,and they were paid,they would leave.

No one knew this assasin's name,but the only time you would is if you were about to one lived to tell the assasin's name,though they had figured out it was a male.

This assasin's work continued for ages,until he seemingly died.however,there was another assasin just as skilled that sprung up two or so weeks afterward.

Since then,the work of that assasin had continued for millennia,and seemed to never cease.

Parents often used this tale to scare children into behaving,but two best friends had never believed the was complete bullshit,it had to be.

Tubbo and ranboo,the best friends in question,were in their ninth year in secondary,and it was a pain.tubbo wasn't excited for Monday,unlike ranboo who seemed energetic.sure,there was the new kid,but tubbo just didn't like school.

I mean,he had quite a lot of friends,no one seemed to hate him,and he had it better than most students,but he always felt like the teachers tried to dumb things down for him.

And for what?for being dislexic?it grinded tubbo's yeah,sure,he appreciated the help at times,but then the teacher would ask him a question and just as he was about to answer,the teacher would question if tubbo was having a hard time reading it.

Like,he understood she was just being nice and mindful,but even when he told her that if he didn't know what it said he wasn't afraid to ask her,she still did it.he knew it was on purpose to get the class to laugh and like her,but it really just made them hate her.

Ranboo had memory problems,but had been getting better at remembering people,so he was excited for the new kid.

Though he still didn't like school,it's not like he was picked on for forgetting a lot.

So when the two sat down in class and heard the teacher to show in this fairly tall blonde kid,tubbo didn't seem suprised.

{A/N:I just realised this went down a completely different path and I'm getting lazy so is it okay to just-

*Skips time to where tubbo and ranboo find out Tommy's an immortal assasin and are like "holy shit,that's cool!" And then hear tapping at tubbo's window*

Ok nice,thanks bye!}

A Tap was heard,and tubbo looked up from his monopoly game with ranboo.seeing Tommy,they rushed to let him in."Tommy!get in!"tubbo hissed,and Tommy scrambled in."Sheesh,calm down tubbo.."he said,before grabbing the spare clothes he gave to tubbo beforehand and changing in the bathroom.


A/N:oh my primeeee this was so shitttttt..I'll make a re-write if this chapter,and the post it.but I'll do that in the morning,right now,I'm tried.

I just wanted to say a quick thank you and sorry to ocean34fox,I swear over my life that I'll re write this in the morning I'm just so tired and began writing something completely different.

Have a great day/night if you haven't already and I'll see you next upload!

Bye and sorry again!

Word count:
607 words!

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