Sleepy Cuddles

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{A/N:So quick explanation,this is all platonic i am in no way shipping them,I just wanted to make something wholesome.please don't take this the wrong way}

Third person POV:

Tommy had wrapped up stream,yawning,"glad that's done,I'm exhausted."he said,and ranboo nodded."honestly,i'm off for a nap,way to tired to do anything other than that right now."tubbo said,and Tommy made a hum of agreement,leaning back in the chair."it's getting pretty late,we really should head to bed."ranboo's voice was muffled,mainly due to the fact his mask was still on,much like his glasses.

Standing up,the trio made their way to their respective rooms,bidding each other good night.only around five minutes later,tubbo's door opened silently.he made little to no noise as he made his way to ranboo's room,pulling out his phone and sending him a message.


The response he got was quick.

'Yeah,what is it bee?'

'Can you let me in your room please?I'm outside, can't knock.tommy could here.'

'yeah hold on,just throwing on a hoodie.'

A second later,ranboo's door opened quietly,and tubbo slipped Tommy's room,he'd already got into his pajamas and was listening intently to the world outside the door to his room.tommy shuffled to the bed as quiet as possible,sitting against the pillows which resided by the headboard,he texted ranboo.

'hey ranboob.'

He said,and the response was slow,but still rather quick.

'hey toms,what is it?I was just about to sleep.'

'Wanna prank tubs in the morning?we'll sneak into his room and scare him!'

'toms,how about we just go bed and leave tubbo alone?'

'Ugh,fine.speaking of,I think I heard him walk outside his door,did you hear that?'

In ranboo's room,sleepy tubbo and ranboo are now worried.sure,there was nothing bad about cuddling your best friend at night,but if the third person to complete your trio didn't know about that?whole new problem.

'No,I didn't.maybe you just are hearing things,go to bed.'

Tommy's small response of 'fine' came through,and the bee duo shared a breath of relief.they got comfortable,cuddled up with each other and fell fast asleep.

Tommy also was sleeping.though,for once,Tommy had wished,(before he fell asleep),that he could stay awake longer.

{A/N;Author here,hi!just wanted to say,I'm really tired right now,so I'll probably make a part two at SK e point,but I have other things I need to do so this might be delayed slightly.i really need an upload schedule.maybe i'll make one.again,this was all platonic,so please don't think the opposite of what this actually is!thank you,and goodbye!}

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